Our natural healing power I believe there is always a karmic element to healing and getting sick. Symptoms aren’t just problems to suppress – they are signs your body is detoxing! Fever, sweating, vomiting, and even yawning are ways the body rids itself of toxins. Interestingly, these are the common reactions to removing entity attachments […]
Today, we’re diving into an important and eye-opening topic: the intersection of medicine, spirituality, alchemy and the history behind modern healing practices. My own path has been shaped by many medical interventions—some life-saving, others unnecessary and even harmful. While I deeply respect the dedicated doctors and healers out there, I’ve also seen firsthand how Western […]
Sleep is one of the most intriguing and mysterious aspects of our existence. While we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, science still doesn’t fully understand what happens to our consciousness during this time. Have you ever had an experience where you wake up after a dream, feeling as though something profound occurred […]
Today, we’re diving deep into the power and gift of free will, and how we can use it to create a life that’s more aligned with our true purpose. If you haven’t the blog post on alignment yet, I highly recommend reading it first, as it will provide you with valuable context for this topic. […]
The terms “spirit animal” and “totem animal” have their roots in various indigenous cultures, referring to a spirit being that represents a tribe, family, or individual. A totem can be a living being, like an animal or plant, or even an object that embodies the spirit of a person or group. In many traditions, it’s […]
Welcome to Part 2 of our series on weight, healing, and eating disorders. In this post, we’rediving deep into the heart of healthy eating, healing sugar addiction, nurturing your digestivesystem, and overcoming binge eating disorder. The journey to happiness and health is, at itscore, an inside job. It’s about knowing yourself deeply and taking full […]
Breaking free from the cycle: healing through understanding and self-love Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s deeply personal and often misunderstood: eatingdisorders, body image, weight loss, and the healing process. If this is a sensitive area for you,please approach this discussion with compassion for yourself. Remember, any triggers youfeel are signposts pointing toward unhealed […]
Today, we’re diving into the profound world ofspiritual activation. It’s a term that’s become a bit of a buzzword in spiritualcircles, often used alongside “alignment.” But what do these concepts trulymean, and how can they empower us on our spiritual journeys? The essence of activation Let’s start by addressing a common issue: the overuse and […]
Atonement is a spiritual practice that plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between our inner and outer worlds. It’s not just about making amends; it’s about healing, reclaiming lost energy, and restoring a sense of wholeness in our lives. The connection between spirit and body Our spiritual journey and physical life are deeply […]
Water has always been a symbol of transformation, renewal, and the very essence of lifeitself. In many spiritual traditions, it is revered as a conduit for divine energy, a powerfulforce that connects the physical with the spiritual. One profound practice that harnessesthis sacred power is the mikvah—a ritual that invites rebirth, purification, and a deeperconnection […]