What is a Shamanic Journey?

A shaman undertakes a Journey with the help of Guides. It usually unfolds in a linear way and is similar to a movie, but with many supernatural elements and events. The objective of the Journey is to heal you and make sure your energy field is aligned with the highest good and not being co-opted by any dark forces. The guides will visit your energy field and make sure the energy is flowing in a way that is aligned with the highest good and conduct any necessary work to make sure this is happening.  

How does a Shamanic Journey work?

At the core of Shamanic Journeywork lies soul retrieval. This is the most profound and effective form of healing I can facilitate for you. Trauma causes the soul to fragment. This is intelligent survival mechanism, a gift from God really, that allows you to cope with trauma. Yes, it fractures you, but that allows ‘the rest’ of your soul to move. The fractured, designated soul part stays with the traumatic event and holds it for you until you’re ready to heal and integrate it. 
Note: You don’t need to know exactly what your trauma is, I will see it in the Journey. Amnesia about trauma is very common, because the fractured soul part holds the experience and memories for you. All trauma, big or small, affects and limits you and is worth healing.
This is also why people, for example, have addictions: they are energetically drawn to the trauma and repeating harmful patterns because they are subconsciously looking to integrate their lost soul part and be whole. Because the I work directly in your energy field to retrieve and integrate these fragmented soul parts, the addiction is, as my clients like to describe it “gone from the inside”.

Journeying is not just to heal addiction. Your energy field is your energetic blueprint and holds everything about you: your experiences, your gifts and purpose. In a Journey we can heal trauma and remove unaligned energies, entities and attachments, disentangle siphoned energy, which are often at the root of fatigue, illness, blocks and more. Journeys restore your energy field to its sovereign and natural state, aligned with the Tree of Life which supplies it with divine Source energy. From this state of wholeness and balance, miracles occur and you can actually create heaven on earth. A Journey gives you an incredible renewed life force and new perspective and fresh start in life. It aligns you with your purpose and joy, which feels like catching a wave rather than swimming against the stream. 
You can do a Shamanic Journey once or as often as you want. 

What does a session with Jessica look like?

Shamanic Journeys are done remotely and our session will start with an intention-setting call (around 20-30 minutes) where we determine the focus of the Journey. You will receive the link to our call in your email inbox and google calendar (if you use it) when you book your Journey. On this call we can talk about any specific wishes you might have or things you would like me to focus on. Then we will get off the call. While I Journey for you, you can rest and relax. It is optional to meditate and see if you tap into the Journey. It also completely fine if you want to watch tv or are with your family, partner or pets (just don’t drink alcohol or do any drugs that are not prescribed to you by your doctor). I will Journey to your energy field (around 1 hour), get to work and afterward I will send you an email saying “I’m ready!”. We will join on a call using the same link to discuss your Journey in depth, including its symbolism and significance to you personally (2-3 hours total). I will tell you everything that came up in the Journey in detail including what your energy field looks like, exactly what we did and what spirit wants you to know and do. Throughout the session you will have plenty of time to ask questions. 

Am I allowed to record our session?

Yes! You can record it, take notes and re-listen to it as many times as you like to remind yourself of your beautiful energy field and the work we did. 

Do I need to prepare for a Shamanic Journey?

There is no need to prepare, I will do all the work – or rather, my Guides will. In the time leading up the Journey, it is very common to already notice amazing shifts. Often, the thing you set out to do the Journey for will shift by itself so that we can go on to bigger and greater things when it’s time for your Journey. Although it’s not required at all, it can help to keep track of the things you would like to get out of the Journey. I love lists and it can be as long as you want. 

What is Essene shamanism and how is it different?

Essene shamanism is centred around The Way of life of the ancient Essenes, which included different consciousness-based practices of purification and connection with Source, to call in Divine presence on earth and become a vessel for Source energy. I do not use any substances or ‘props’ to Journey, but rely on pure consciousness and connection with Source. 
The use of plant medicine has the effect of opening up your crown chakra with a crank. If you have not done the necessary energetic work to prepare for such an experience it can be disrupting. Forcing the opening your consciousness with plant medicine is like opening a door through which anything can come in, often causing entity attachment. Essene Shamanic Journeying is clean, holistic and very effective. The effects empower you in your own sovereignty so you don’t have to rely on anything or anyone to align yourself with the Divine and thrive. 

Why is this work done remotely? Does it work?

We will use Google meet or Zoom for our call. Because in the Shamanic realm there is no time, space or geographical distance. Every person is connected to the whole, the Tree of Life, through the branches of the Tree. This allows me to Journey directly into your energy field and the perform the desired shifts and healing to bring you into alignment with the Tree of Life. Because your energy field is like your spiritual blueprint, the results of this intervention translate into your physical life by itself. This doesn’t require your physical presence! 

Does Jessica work with any spirits in a Journey?

The only spirits I work with are spirit guides, Source, specific healing spirits and totem animals. I do not serve any spirits but collaborate with these forms of consciousness acting as a facilitator, observer, celebrant and translator of their sacred work.  

Where do I start on the path of shamanism?

The best place to start is a Shamanic Journey. This will allow you to become familiar with this modality of shamanism and experience its effects and efficacy firsthand. 
If this work resonates, you can join one of my group offerings to integrate my Shamanic teachings and practice them for yourself. 

If you feel called to become a shaman and transmit this healing to others, you will be required to do a Shamanic Journey first. This is an opportunity for me to see if it is aligned to work together in the Apprenticeship. Just let me know at the time of booking that you are potentially interested in becoming an Apprentice.

What happens after a Shamanic Journey?

In the Shamanic Journey, we will move different aspect of your energetic being according to Divine intelligence. These all have their counterpart in your physical life, environment and body, which will all redistribute themselves according to Source’s intelligence. 
After the Journey the effects will integrate into your life on their own timeline: the effects can be instant and ecstatic or gradual over a few months to a year. Source is not going to drastically shake up your life if you’re not ready, the results can be a soft, holistic and true integration. But if you are ready, it will be instant and dramatic. It’s not a one size fits all process., but you can speed it up by upholding and maintaining your sovereignty the best you can and keep your energy field clean. 
Especially if we disentangled any energetic attachments with people siphoning off your energy, they will often pick up on it and try to get back into your life. 
It’s also normal if you need to process and release stored emotions. This is part of your healing process. The more space and presence you give them, the more quickly and graciously they will release from your system. 

After we’ve done soul retrieval and integrated a lost soul part, that soul part will literally come home. She will need a space to unpack the stuff she’s been carrying for you, which can include long lost memories and suppressed emotions. But it also often includes blocked gifts and abilities. 
In any case, celebration is the best integration. Do something very special for yourself to commemorate your wholeness and sovereignty! This way you will consciously create a high frequency container for the soul retrieval to integrate and settle in your life, plus it’s fun! 

I’m nervous for my Journey!!

This is not a question but it’s very common so I will address it here. A Shamanic Journey will change you so it’s a great thing that you take it seriously, but there is no need at all to be nervous. Shamanic Journeys are beautiful and magical. Any “negative” things that come up will be things that are already a part of you and nothing new. If they do come up this is great, because it means we that can shift and release them. Trust that you are doing this for yourself because you are ready and I will take care of the rest.

What are negative or demonic entities?

Demonic entities, or “Belial” are servant of the dark that have turned away from the Divine and are anti-life. They are low frequency forms of consciousness that need human hosts to siphon off the person’s life force and create a stronghold in the world. They can come into your energy field through open doors like addictions, sex or occult practices, by masking as familiar spirits, manufactured consent and trickery. Belial, coming from Baal who they serve (often referred to as Lucifer), are like insatiable black holes. The word Belial comes from the words, ‘consume, ‘swallow’ and ‘worthless’. They can mimic Source and give an unclean power with stolen energy and will always ask for more sacrifices. They are like parasites on the Tree of Life, that are in most cases easy to remove in a Journey. Once the light of Source and Guides they often disappear like shadows.

What is an energy field?

Everyone has an energy field. It is your energetic blueprint, your central place or hub, where you reside in the core of yourself. It is a flower on the Tree of Life, your central connection to the life stream. The work that is done here will help you heal to a great degree. Each energy field is usually situated in a particular natural geographic space, such as a mountain side, a river or a forest. The guides will seal up any holes in the field and help it thrive and protected with strong boundaries.

Who are the Guides?

The Guides are emissaries of the Divine, here to uphold and enact a mission of love and freedom on behalf of all beings and the Universe. Although they are not in physical bodies, they are very grounded and able to interact directly with the physical world. Most of them were indeed incarnated as humans one or many times, and have attained their light bodies and guide status through these incarnations. We can think of the Guides as being “deeper” into Tree of Life than the seen, physical world. For example, if we physical beings are the flowers on the very far tips of the Tree, the Guides “live” in the branches, and God—the Source of all—is the root of the Tree. Goddess, the divine feminine, is the transformative and transforming capacity of the Tree itself. So, these holy beings we call guides, much like angels, live somewhere in the mid-spectrum, bridging the Divine and the physical. They help all living things bloom on the Tree, and they communicate and execute healing work through shamans and other facilitators of divine power. The Guides are highly effective in their service to the Divine. They will do whatever is in alignment with the highest good in purest sovereign interdependence. They do not operate from a space of “ego” or personal gratification, though they do ask for respect and reverence for Divine power.

What is the Tree of Life?

The Tree of Life represents the universe itself, the Glory of Source, or God, at one with his creations. The Guides and aligned shamans are protectors of the tree, who tend it to allow it to shine, almost like gardeners of the Tree. There is a real battle going on, in which some nodes of the Tree reject the Divine and siphon the energy off other nodes instead of restoring their connection to the Tree. 
The battle for the Tree of Life existed in the ancient days of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the nature of the fight was well understood by the Righteous Teacher and the Essenes, with the anti-life forces being termed “Belial,” which comes from the Hebrew root for “consume” or “swallow.” The Essenes believed that each man’s choices and deeds affected the entire Tree of Life and either supported the Tree or allowed its exploitation. There are forces that see Earth’s rising as a threat and want to exploit it at all costs. The Guides are fighting to stop that from happening, and to help humanity emerge and blossom into a successful harmonious new era of what could essentially be Heaven on Earth. The outcome of this unfolding on Earth affects life everywhere in the Universe, which is why the Guides are so invested in seeing a successful outcome for this Earth.

Didn’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to reach out here, connect with me on Instagram @thewayshamanism or the Shaman Jessica podcast, where I regularly answer questions.