Journey With Me?

ARE YOU ready to


journeying is an ancient method of expanding consciousness


Ready to begin your journey?

Journeys are done remotely and consist of an
intention-setting call (30 minutes) where we determine the focus of the Journey. While you rest, I will journey for you (1 hour) after which we connect on a call to discuss the experience and insights received (30 minutes).

Shamanic journeying is an ancient method of expanding our consciousness. Our ancestors used journeying to gain insight, connect to spirit and aid in the healing process.

A journey can consist of soul retrieval, to integrate fragmented soul parts to wholeness and restore sovereignty, helping us to release blocks and addictions, connect with our purpose and more. Your energy field is restored to its natural state: whole, balanced, aligned and connected to the tree of life, so that are able to thrive. My clients describe their journeys as life-changing, mind-blowing and miraculous. Every journey is completely unique.

What does a journey look like?

What does a journey look like?


"Jessica - I still don't have adequate words for our beautiful (and literally life altering!) journey last night or in the past several months working with you.
Today my heart is so incredibly full, my body is so confident and relaxed, and I am also so emotional - but in the best way.

Emotional with the overwhelming gratitude I have within myself for being given this gift. I am so lucky to be able to get to do this!
I can't wait to see where this leads. Jessica, words just couldn't express the level of my gratitude to you, my mentor and teacher. 

But for now, thank you a million times."

dezmin, new york

"Before my session with Jessica, I was lost, confused, and tethered to my emotional traumas and the people correlated with them. I had tons of self-doubt, and fear of expressing my truth. I truly felt stuck and angry at myself for not having the willpower to persevere through that phase in my life on my own.

Initially, I was resistant to reach out for help. For someone to hear and see me in a vulnerable state - was something I’d never allowed myself to experience. Although I was excited for my session, I had much resistance to allow someone in.

The moment that we got into the intention setting call, I was overcome with peace and love. The way that Jessica holds space, and draws out the presence beneath the surface - is second to none. Just the intention setting call alone, BEFORE the journey, was absolutely life-changing.

Now for the mind-blowing journey experience. She explained everything with so much detail. The depth of what was brought into her awareness, along with the synchronicities from my daily life (things that I hadn’t told anyone), was truly magical; animals, scenes, colors, even personality traits of the members of my family. Mind-blowing. After the journey, almost immediately, the “tethered” feeling that I had with people in my life was gone. I was no longer over-exerting myself. It became much easier for me to fill up my cup and FLY. I started expressing myself and accepting all the beautiful things that comes with I. To TRUST myself, to truly LOVE myself, and to BE myself is now my natural way. I’m eternally grateful for Jessica. I even get choked up reminiscing about the experience and how much growth has happened in such a short period of time. I moved to another state, met soul family, and rediscovered myself. I’d recommend anyone - struggling with their past, with their present, or feeling like there is no hope - to embark on a journey with Jessica. Your life will completely change in ways you could’ve never imagined."

kubra, amsterdam

"I had to integrate a lot of big life lessons and after 3 months I can tell you I’ve learned and integrated them. I’ve had what feels like 5 years healing in the past 6 months. One of the biggest beliefs I had to integrate is that I don’t need saving. I am good the way I am. I had tried a lot of different healing modalities. All those times I gave away my power. I unconsciously believed someone else would need to heal me, fix me, so I would be saved. And if that person couldn’t fix me I would be doomed. I would be forever stuck in this mental, emotional, energetic prison. The Journey that Jessica did was the only one that made me aware of this belief I have. After the Journey I know and feel that I don’t need saving. I am a sovereign being. I am whole the way I am. I trust myself, my healing abilities, my intuition, my being. I trust me. I can distinguish what is coming from my higher self, intuition and what is coming from fear.

After the Journey I could feel the safety within me. I know and feel like I’m always carried and taken care of by Source. I know and feel that love is the way. The journey built the foundation of the sense of trust and safety within me that my intuition needed to flourish. My intuition became stronger like never before. I saw, knew things before they even happened. I journeyed/astral travelled almost every night since the Journey.

I’m so grateful for Jessica! <3 She showed me and reminded me of my light again. I’m coming home every day! I surrender to what’s about to come. I can’t wait to work together with the new mentorship program. It’s going to be BIG. BIG."


"I had situations that were holding me back for upwards of 4 years. No amount of healing work, meditating or action taking was shifting them. I had even burned myself out twice during those four years trying to shift the patterns. One of them was a business pattern. No matter how much or how little I worked, I struggled to get new business. This was sudden after having two very successful years…then crickets.

Another was my health. I struggled with energy, sometimes sitting for days at a time with no motivation to move. I had trouble working up an appetite and didn’t eat enough food. My weight would drop at the slightest inkling of stress. Finally, I experienced tremendous guilt and shame about childhood trauma and couldn’t release it from my body. I was always being triggered by these sitiations that took place in the far past, and had trouble with how I viewed my parents.

I did the journey with Jessica, and during the journey itself there were already incredible benefits. I could feel movement in areas of my body that were numb to me, and had intense visualizations. Jessica gained insight into areas of my life she had no idea about.

In the five weeks following the journey, my entire life has shifted. First, my health transformed overnight. After an intense week of severe processing and anxiety following the journey, all my physical symptoms dissappeared overnight. I had a strong urge to excerise 30 minutes a day, and I have, without feeling tired. Exercise has become a daily desire and craving for me. I’m also eating about three times the quanity of food I’ve ever eaten in my life. I have an overflowing amount of energy, abundance and physical strength…in only 5 weeks."


"Next, I have had over 5000€ of unexpected income come through my business, with more opportunties presenting what seems to be every few days. And I have the energy and focus to invite more opportunities in without fear. I have no financial worry whatsoever, have stopped obsessively marketing myself, and only work a few hours a day. Third, I have let go of the guilt and shame towards the feelings I have with my parents. I have put the trauma in its correct place in my psyche and have an emotionally secure view of the situation for the first time in my life. I am confident I know how to relate to them while holding firm boundaries. They have no power over me any longer.

My days are full of sun…even the rainy ones. People are smiling at me on the street, I get excited to wake up and have a coffee. I am in constant conversations with my closest friends and making plans for more social meetings than ever before. My clients are deeply satisfied with our relationships. I am relaxed and trusting. I am healthy and strong.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to experience something so profound and rare. Everything is CHANGING. Jessica, life is feeling so great right now. Better than in yearsssss for me. Started with the journey."


"I have never experienced anything so frightening as to be addicted to the drug ice. I could start seeing signs of deterioration with my health, personal and career life. I was so desperate and looking for any solutions available. I met with Jessica and she did a journey session with me focussing on my addiction.

It’s been 2 weeks and I do not have the urge anymore. I tried to imagine the drug to see if I still have the excitement, but I am so happy there is no more of such feeling. Instead I felt disgusted of it. I am now addicted to dedicating time every day to meditation.

I realised that my focus has shifted to connecting with my soul more through meditation rather than disconnecting from my life by taking drugs. Thank you, Jessica!!! This is what I am dreaming of, to get my life back."


"I wanted to tell you about something that happened yesterday (Thursday) that had never happened to me before. I told you about being able to manipulate energy through my hands during our journey call. So yesterday I was stuck in traffic, at a stoplight near a hospital, and an ambulance was trying to get to the hospital but was stuck in traffic that was not moving. I said a little prayer and called on Source/God to bless the drivers for the work they do to help injured people, and a blessing on the poor individual stuck in the back of the ambulance in traffic. I tell you, no exaggeration, my hands TURNED ON and I felt a surge of energy flowing through them like I had never felt before. I couldn't even believe it was happening, but it felt like beaming energy directly from Source, through me, and into that ambulance. I say this because until you had journeyed for me, I had never experienced that before, but the work that you did for me during the journey was a reason this was happening. So, I was very excited about what I was able to offer those poor folks stuck in the traffic."


"So far I noticed that I feel whole.. like I don't have multiple personalities floating everywhere lol, at peace, no sinus issues, weight loss, and calm. I will keep an eye on how it integrates through the next year."


"I just wanted to send a follow up to our journey this morning, I find with me in the moment I don't always convey the deep appreciation and emotion I am feeling.
From the bottom of my heart so much love to you. Thank you for supporting me and thank you for opening up this opportunity for me to remember and discover myself in a new way. My heart feels truly full and I feel light."

"Jessica I have been sitting here crying after finally being able to sit down and listen to this. SO many things came up that I have been seeing in my own journeys and feeling recently! Whoa.... Wow... just blown away.
I will have a listen again tomorrow morning. And journey myself on it as soon as I can.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Just completely blow away by this journey..."

"The healing, peace, and joy that I have now compared to a year ago is seriously miraculous. Just an unsolicited review to pass on to anyone thinking about working with you!"

"I feel so fantastic after this session. I can physically feel the wings and my heart resonates in an even deeper spiral of love and energy. Thank you so much, Jessica!"

"Jessica was able to journey for me from the heart. There were aspects touched upon that I did not share with her in the conversation prior to the journey. This ability to psychically tune into my energy field, work, and reflect will take her far on the healer's path.
She is kind and intuitive, I look forward to working with her again."


"Fear of driving has been an issue ever since I got into a car. I am not sure about the reason but the fact that my first car had problems and caused a collision was a terrifying experience. Whenever I knew I had to drive, I would get very anxious, with stomach aches just thinking about it and trying to even avoid it.

A few weeks after the journey I realized I was much more willing to drive, and now driving around has even become fun! I am more relaxed, no driving stress anymore."

"She told me things she wouldn't have known (I didn't tell her!!!) After the journey, I went to bed and the moment I woke up, I felt very different. For example, I felt more at peace (I have self-esteem issues), I felt more bold (like why haven't l been standing up for myself and creating my own boundaries?), and I just felt like it was a new beginning for me! I was determined to turn my life around.

She is very compassionate, awesome at her job, and will tell you the truth, whether you like it or not because she wants you to empower yourself! (Not a lot of people will and will just take your money.) | recommend her work!"


"Since my Shamanic Journey with Jessica I can't even begin to tell you the profound energetic blocks that have been cleared on a soul level. 

So many things have shifted in my life for the better. If you're looking to have massive positive growth, overcome trauma, or simply wake up everyday with a new zest for life & a passion for living. Words cannot describe how excited I am to be able to help others on their spiritual journey."

Tara Carter


"My shamanic journey session with Jessica was absolutely mind-blowing. As a health & fitness coach who is also balancing a 9-5 job, I have a crazy busy and stressful lifestyle that requires a lot of balance & focus. Before my session with her, I was going through major mindset blocks. I had super low motivation to get anything done, and was just feeling really out of alignment with myself. I was having difficulty feeling confident showing up for my coaching business, and wanted to crawl away and hide from the world instead of showing up to do the work that I normally love doing. Before my session, l identified with Jessica the mindset blocks that I am consciously aware of "(perfectionism, a lack of self confidence, and a lack of abundance) that I felt like were slowing & stalling my progress.

After Jessica journeyed for me, the symbolic storyline that she shared of my journey resonated deeply and helped me step into my power. She discovered areas where I was hiding away from my own power and from being my true self. After the session in the days following, it felt like a dam had been opened that finally allowed my creativity and self-confidence to flow. I finally felt like myself again. I've been receiving gifts of abundance as well as new people in my life to help me on my journey from the universe ever since.

The up-leveling in mindset that I have experienced after this session is absolutely unreal to me and I have accomplished so much in the short week since. I am so grateful that Jessica was able to help me do this powerful work."


"I've had the craziest physical things happening to me since our first journey. awesome dreams of healing and solving things in my sleep, major ear and jaw pain dissipating, feeling literally so much when something isn't right for me and getting the exact right cues to change it for the better. I Can feel when I'm in alignment now. I can literally feel energy around me and how it effects my physical body like 5X more. so much more grounded. Even when I take naps during the day it's like I'm journeying.

I'm becoming so much more aware I can even feel what my body will feel before I do something and then decide if it makes sense. I can't wait for more journeys, learning, healing,"

"The more I work with this, the more it blows my mind. There is not really anything in the journey that has not happened either previously in a journey, actually in my life, OR I did not feel during the journey. I am blown away. I think God, working through you, just healed at least 2 generations of trauma beyond me. Probably more. I'm just blown away. I'm sure I'll continue to be blown away. I'm just in holy fucking awe. The Divine is mind blowing."

"Jessica, I hope you are doing great! Thank you very much for sending me this. It's been almost two weeks since our session, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you. The tension headache/rubber band sensation in my mind left immediately. With my soul integration, I simply feel complete. I'm convinced that past OCD symptoms where I would feel the need to double check (even triple check or more) things with the constant mindset of looking for something was directly linked to soul fragmentation."

"I feel naturally more happy and joyful now than I have in a very long time. I'm very thankful and grateful for the whole experience.
I'm still processing and musing over my notes from the journey."



"This journey you did for me is one of the most incredible things I think I have ever experienced. I have been thinking about it all week and have just been blown away by the beauty or it and the insight.

It was so beautiful, so on-point, and really just so perfect for where I am right now in my life.

I don't exactly know when you did the journey and if you sent the audio recording right away afterward but I swear when I was sleeping the night you sent it my brain felt like it was firing. Or Perhaps I could feel synapses firing. Does that even make sense? I woke up in the middle of the night and my brain felt like it was on overload and that something was going on but I couldn't figure out what it was. I have never felt like that before.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"I'm doing really well and had the most amazing start to the year. So many miracles and blessings have happened since we last spoke with my health, family, friends, work, community - basically all areas of my life. I don't feel like the person I once was and now I am living life in a constant state of bliss. This is the life I have always wanted and finally, after an arduous year of complete dedication on the spiritual path, I have been blessed with this life changing transformative shift."

"I know I am not very active in the chats for Thrive and haven't been able to make a couple of the calls. It just isn't my style so much to participate like that. However I absolutely love it and am blown away by the women and the breakthroughs we are all having."



"My shamanic journey session with jessica was absolutely mind blowing. The up-leveling in mindset that I have experienced after this session is absolutely unreal
To me"

"Since my shamanic journey with Jessica, I can't even begin to tell you the profound energetic blocks that have been cleared on a soul level. So many things have shifted in my life for the better."


"Anyone thinking of journeying with Jessica, don't hesitate, just do it!!! What I loved most about Jessica is her clean/sober approach to shamanism and her gorgeous, authentic and sincere soul. She really radiates connection with source and is truly an earth angel, thank you Jessica!!!"


"I can't describe the feelings I had after Jessica Journeyed for me. It felt like my heart had burst open. My heart was so full with love. I felt safety in my core. I felt that I am who I am, I'm here and i matter. I've had what feels like 5 years healing in the past 6 months*"


"The up-leveling that I have experienced after this session is absolutely unreal to me and I have accomplished so much in the short week since. I am so grateful that Jessica I was able to help me do this powerful work."



"I just want to say thank you so much for the journey again. It hasn't even been two months and l've lost so many inches off of my stomach and I think it partly has to do with getting rid of that entity. I know your weight should have nothing to do with your self-worth but l've been trying to lose the extra pounds for years and it's finally coming off."

"Overall I am feeling great - I feel whole. That I have finally stepped in my power and truly aligned. Sometimes small voices kinda trying to grab my attention and lure me back to the old habits and ways of being but it doesn't work anymore. Which makes me so happy."

"Jessica, I cannot express in words the gratitude I have for you and your apprentices thus far. It has been very dark and heavy energies I have allowed in my life. With your practices and journeys I am taking back my sovereignty piece by piece. My soul & heart are screaming with joy."

"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for standing in your power & showing me the way. I know it is not just you but your spiritual team as well. I am so grateful for all of you. My heart is very full today."

"Hi Jessica, I just wanted to thank you so much for the opportunity to work with both you. I have definitely felt a shift, and am still kind of recalibrating to the difference in my vibration. I overall feel like I am holding more light. I feel happy and so relieved to have had a chance to heal myself on such a profound level."

"I feel like I have witnessed a miracle, and that I do believe in miracles after our session."


"Working with Jessica was like nothing I've experienced before and to say the Divine works through her is an understatement. The apprenticeship is a true testament of working in the divine feminine way and it gently forces you to let go of structure and surrender to becoming a vessel for Source's work. It's permanently changed the way I see the world and what's possible. For those months, my life worked in two week blocks with each fortnight unveiling something new to help me rise up into this more wholesome way of being in the world."


"It is exciting Jessica! Things are changing so rapidly for me I am having a hard time even keeping track! One thing I forgot to mention is that the SI joint pain I have been suffering with for months (and it actually came up in that journey - it was throbbing and my guides I think had their hands underneath it at one point) immediately disappeared after that journey!!! Amazing!!!"

Ellyse, Newcastle AUS

"Myself and my husband were fortunate enough to experience Journey's with Jessica's lovely apprentices and since feel the issues we journeyed on have very much been resolved and the soul fragments have integrated. Both of us can report that it's "as though it's just not an issue tying us down anymore.

Since this session, I have also signed up to all 3 of Jessica's current programs. Upon learning about each program, my body moved me to a "hell yes!" decision to signup and so far, Jessica's work is changing my life in ways every day as I integrate the lessons into my life - just as I knew in my soul they would. Jess - I owe you So MUCH, and my journey is really just beginning. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


"It is exciting Jessica! Things are changing so rapidly for me I am having a hard time even keeping track! One thing I forgot to mention is that the SI joint pain I have been suffering with for months (and it actually came up in that journey - it was throbbing and my guides I think had their hands underneath it at one point) immediately disappeared after that journey!!! Amazing!!!"

"And it just continues to DEEPEN. I seriously sit at least a few times a week and just have to let it sink in how much impact this has all had on my life and what I now do.

I feel like I would be lost out on a spiritual ocean without a life boat if I hadn't connected with you and your work. But this is my life now and I wouldn't be where I am without your guidance. Thank you endlessly! x"

"Hi Jessica, so much has changed since our session together it feels like forever ago! It's amazing how much my abilities have progressed since then and how l've been open to new experiences."

""i had never had someone journey for me before. And did not know what to expect. Jessica is one of the most pure-hearted and heart-centered people I know. Finding a purpose for the journey with her felt very safe and I could open up easily. She helped me focus on a clear purpose with simple and direct questions, very grounded. I loved hearing about the journey, I found it truly sensational, and I could relate to so many elements she mentioned. I feel so much more trust in my own process now and I feel supported by the Universe: truly a gift. It moved mountains inside of me. Thank you, Jessica!!
I will remember this journey for sure and I can't wait to journey again in some time!"



"I've opened a much closer connection to Source and it is soul soothing. I feel like I am not alone, that I'm protected and even more interesting, that a cement block was taken off of my head and shoulders."

"I've gained a certain discernment of spirits, if you will. Prior to this I would have thought all emotions or situations were valid and trustworthy. Now, I see through the veil very clearly. And also, have more clarity and direction in personal and business issues."

"There have been, too many to count, lights flickering, lights turning on in the night and other fun energies. In other words, things are moving and shifting."

"Thank you for helping me get what I knew I initially couldn't gain for myself. And thank you for teaching me how to do this for myself. Much love"

"So so so grateful to be guided by you! I have listened to most of your podcasts, source alchemy is amazing and thrive is going to out of this world haha I can't thank you enough! Your work is so healing and it's what I have been asking the universe for for so many years! They delivered the most amazing healer to me I can't thank you enough"


"Hi Jess, Thank you for the journey! I feel so much peace but I also feel God's presence with me. Wow. After experiencing what a journey is, I can't believe I made that the focus! You are so patient!
I've often found myself at a loss for words when I try to describe the experiences I've had working with Jessica.

Jessica's teachings as well as her authenticity, compassion, and dedication to the highest truth have been a guiding light in my life over the past few years.

From the first journey to the apprenticeship, Jessica has lovingly illuminated a path back home to myself. As someone who has lived most of their life in the grips of depression, anxiety, and disconnection, I never thought my life could be filled with the joy, miracles, and sense of connection I feel now. Not to mention all of the beautiful and life-changing multi-dimensional experiences that have come from stepping into this work.

The safe and non-judgmental space she has provided as I've worked through some of my deepest wounds has been transformational. I couldn't thank her enough and I certainly couldn't recommend her enough... There is hope and a path to true healing.

Thank you for meeting me where I was at and for being such a loving and powerful force of healing in my life and in the life of others. I have a hard time with trust and feeling safe in the presence of others and you have been nothing but a safe, loving, non-judgmental, and patient presence.

I am forever grateful and I want you to know how much this has meant to me. Words can't do it justice!

Thank you, Love!"


"I've been suffering mentally, and physically for many years not knowing how to get to the root of my abandonment wounds from being adopted.

I've tried medication and many forms of therapy with no positive results.

When I started Jessica's work, I felt again abandoned by my family but I learned that it was their fear, because I was changing in a way they didn't understand, so I remain committed to what felt right in my heart

It's been two years since I started with Jessica and the other day my daughter, who has been very distant physically and emotionally from me, came into my home and gave me the biggest hug and was sobbing...She thanked me for all the emotional healing work that I've been doing

That was the greatest gift I could've received from her because she not only sees it, but feels it as well in every cell of her being .

Jessica's courses are powerful and profound... the greatest gift you can give yourself to claim your power back and the gift of physical and emotional freedom

Thank you Jessica for turning your journey into wisdom and sharing the process with us.

P.S. It's hard for me to put into words the internal changes and healing since you journeyed for me, but you have my sincerest Thank You for the work you do."


"Thank you for being so open about your own experiences and happening right in plain sight. It's important work. It's been just over a week since our journey and there are already so many positive things that I had to share. 

That framework alone has been very powerful for me cognitively and allowed me to work through a lot on a mental plane. And it is also just a great example of how everything is interdependent and in ways that for all my searching eluded me until you connected those few remaining dots. Even more remarkable is that it has really benefited me. I am more round, more fully embodied. It's so deep that it's hard to articulate right now. I certainly feel more worthy and free, which is opening up so many insights for my future.

There has already been a practical change around food restriction. I woke on Wednesday to hunger and have been regularly hungry ever since. Even better, I can recognize it and have the ability to respond accordingly. Yay! This experience has really opened my mind to the complexities of eating disorders and trauma. There is so much more but this is already too long, lol Thank you so much!"

"I missed the live but I wanted to say that combining the practice with my own journeying has give me real clarity and connection to all aspects of the journey. I can trust in what I see, feel, experience and know that it is true + real.

I also take it forward into the healing I offer to others knowing that I'm authentically connected to source when I'm working with them + it has amplified and raised my abilities.

On a side note I'm starting to read peoples minds more, knowing what they're going to say like if I ask my husband a question about a number for example I'll know what that number is before he tells me- fun hey!

Endless thanks as always to you"


"Please don't forget to get me on the books, Jess!! I'm so excited to learn and get better at journeying. I've seen so much results from the journey you did for me. My relationship with my family has never been better and I'm generally so much happier and more content. I'm no longer struggling in daily life-but thriving again."


"Dear Jessica. Just taking in the deepest feeling of gratefulness, feeling humbled, recognizing, smiling from cheek to cheek ,and in awe of you and your heart/source connection. Everything really comes together for me, its like I'm finally connection the dots."




Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the journey the other day with. With no surprise, that was divinely timed and magical. I had been feeling pulled towards understanding how the crystals work on a deeper level and also had been feeling "stuck in the waiting room" in journeys which you described exactly. There's still more for me to learn in how to use them, but now I feel equipped to connect with my higher self and receive instructions. The energy in that journey was so powerful and I've been feeling it since. It feels like being on the verge of breakthrough, of purpose and a whole new level of service. Thank you for your guidance. I am so grateful for you

With love"

""I feel so at ease. A sense that something has been lifted. For a long time I had an underlying sense of despair, sorrow or fear. And right now I feel light. Really grounded in my body. My mom and dad noticed it and my friends noticed it. And I notice my stomach is shrinking!""

"Wow, i am truly a different person today, my craving for cigarettes and other addictions are gone from the inside. i just have to reparent myselt and do some habit work and i think theyll be gone for good soon. the universe is testing me but also giving me power and sovereignty."


"Hi Jessica,

I've been wonderful!! I feel like so many creative blocks within me have been removed, it's wild. I felt like I had no motivation to work on creative projects over the last 3 weeks, but over the last few days since our session l've gotten SO much done that will definitely move my business forward."

"Yay thank you!! And I've been feeling great!!! Omg what a difference since before I met with you. Opportunities have literally been falling from the sky it's been really awesome!"

"Oh my gosh! It was such a joy and honour working with you and that means SO much - you have no idea! It's such an honour having this beautiful connection and exchange with you!"

"Hey Jessica,

"Yes, I am going well thanks. I noticed some subtle like an untangling happening over the couple days after and a light pressure/very very dull headache around my temples and back of my head, has cleared up now."

"In regards to what I was working on, the negative thoughts i used to have are not really there and don't have the same presence as they did, I notice my ego wanting to take me there for a split second only to realise there is no pressure behind them. I am also feeling more sensations and have had a shift to wanting children with my wife which i used to have resistance around.

All in all im very happy.

Thank you so much!"




"I've had the craziest physical and no physical things happening to me since our first journey. awesome dreams of healing and solving things in my sleep, major ear and jaw pain dissipating, feeling literally so much when something isn't right for me and getting the exact right cues to change it for the better."

"I Can feel when I'm in alignment now. I can literally feel energy around me and how it effects my physical body like 5X more. so much more grounded. Even when I take naps during the day it's like I'm journeying. 'm becoming so much more aware I can even feel what my body will feel before I do something and then decide if it makes sense. I can't wait for more journeys, learning, healing, alignment!"

"I'm doing great at the moment so much healing and I feel a deep sense of safety and support from the universe that I have never felt in my heart before I feel held in all my rawness and vulnerability and so coming into my self expression in my sexuality and in my life wow wow wow."

"Today I have tears of joy when I saw your gorgeous face I just felt such deep gratitude for you and the door you opened for me :)"

"Dear Jessica-sending you lots of thanks and a big virtual hug for yesterday's session. I really had no idea what to expect but wow! It totally blew me away. I am still thinking about all of it and looking forward to seeing how everything starts to integrate in the coming weeks.

Thank you so so much!"



"Immediately after the journey, my energy field felt crystal clear for the first time perhaps ever in my life - or at least the first time without extreme effort on my part. The invasive thoughts about my child sexual abuse have also stopped. Not only my own but also fears about my daughter. I did have one very traumatic dream about my daughter but felt that a lot of trauma was cleared when I woke. I have also been able to forgive another narcissistic ex whom I have had a hard time forgiving for over five years, despite that I am normally able to forgive. Your words of caution about my current ex did not fall on deaf ears and despite his continued attempts, I have not taken any of the bait. My desire to not exist had also vanished. And perhaps most importanty, i am no longer dissociated. I have tried for years to come back into my body since the birth of my daughter. I cannot tell you how great it feels to finally be back and able to ground."

"I can't describe the feelings I had after Jessica Journeyed for me. It felt like my heart had burst open. My heart was so full with love. I felt safety in my core. I felt that I am who I am, I'm here and i matter. I've had what feels like 5 years healing in the past 6 months"




"have this magical weapon to solve things myself, and learned that this actually is my birthright. Now I also dive into my ***stuff with a form of curiosity instead of fear. I am eternally greatful for this experience."

"Hi Jessica, so much has changed since our session together it feels like forever ago! It's amazing how much my abilities have progressed since then and how l've been open to new experiences."

"Thank you for Journeying for me. Since the Journey I have felt very light, peaceful, calm and connected. The body ache and back pain hasn't come back since the Journey, and overall my body feels light and muscles relaxed. It has been less than a week but if the results stay like this it would be remarkable and nothing less than a miracle."

"Hi Jess, Thank you for the journey! I feel so much peace but I also feel God's presence with me. Wow. After experiencing what a journey is, I can't believe I made that the focus! You are so patient!"


"I'm still so happy and riding the "high" from this. My baseline has been moved and I can FEEL it in everything i do. I swear the world has more colors and food has more flavors. Even my sense of smell (which usually sucks) has been heightened!"

 "It's important work. It's been just over a week since our journey and there are already so many positive things that I had to share. I am more round, more fully embodied. It's so deep that it's hard to articulate right now. I certainly feel more worthy and free, which is opening up so many insights for my future. There has already been a practical change around food restriction. I woke on Wednesday to hunger and have been regularly hungry ever since. Even better, I can recognize it and have the ability to respond accordingly. Yay! This experience has really opened my mind to the complexities of eating disorders and trauma. There is so much more but this is already too long, lol Thank you so much!"

"After the Journey I could feel the safety within me. I know and feel like I'm always carried and taken care of by Source. I know and feel that love is the way. The journey built the foundation of the sense of trust and safety within me that my intuition needed to flourish. My intuition became stronger like never before. I saw, knew things before they even happened. I journeyed/astral travelled almost every night since the Journey.
I'm so grateful for Jessica! <3 She showed me and reminded me of my light again. I'm coming home every day! I surrender to what's about to come. I can't wait to work together with the new mentorship program. It's going to be BIG. BIG"

"Hi Jessica, whoa... this journey was so stunningly powerful and right on I am still in almost awe! It's funny because I knew you were going to do the journey that night. ______ had been ill (again!!) and amazingly he woke up after your journey and was feeling better. I've already seen his spirits lifting in a way I haven't seen in a while. I don't even know how to thank you."


"I just have to say WOW. This is my first menstrual cycle after the journey. I never had notice it was coming, I never felt it and have had no pain. Is this what life is supposed to feel like. Pain free? Heavenly and dreamy?I have no words. I have been able to work, function and do everything I love without taking the week off. I've always had pain to the point where I can't walk and throw up. Jessica if this is how life is supposed to feel like I know why my soul wants to work and learn from you."

"Jessica, I am so unbelievably excited for the journey session. Every time I think about it I can't help but smile / break out in a lil dance. The amount of shifts that have already taken place blow my mind. I...can't...wait. Sending you my love"

"I've been thinking about the journeys we've done it's cleared so much up in my life. I'm very different now my confidence is out of this world I'm believing I can do anything and I'm actually doing it. Thank you."

"My relationship with my husband it is way better in every single aspect... It is like to be in a new relationship with somebody else. It started to changed a bit before our journeys with you.
And I am surprised it has stay this way. With 2 little kids in high demand 24/7 is not easy. So I am very happy and grateful. Thank you"

"Hi Jessica,

Thank you SO much for today. That journey was one of the most amazing things ever experienced. It feels like I say they every week - but it's the truth. It takes me time to process and feel the enormity of it but I am already starting to. But WOW!!!!! I am journaling right now even though it's super late here and I have a crazy day tomorrow. I want to relive it in as much vivid detail as possible."


"You have already helped me enormously with your podcast. I was days from commiting suecide because i didnt know what was happening to me. I tried everything from meditation from sadhguru, diets, working out, nothing helped. So i just wanted to thank you so nuch because you saved my life, and I know that this is 100% my life calling. You are amazing and i cant wait for our session."

"Every time you journey for any of my family it is leaps and bounds in positive change. I am a mom of a teenager so I don't like to pry to much or ask questions but since our journey for my kiddo it is like a peice of them is back. They are less depressed and started cleaning their room. They said "it's like walls of depression in my room and I can finally break them down". We are able to see part of the floor. They have more motivation, energy, and are coming out of their room more to interact. They told me they want to stop cutting their hair and grow it longer. They are getting up in the morning instead of sleeping all day and started brushing their teeth again. I am so happy to see this light that was brought back. Thank you Jessica"

"I missed the live but I wanted to say that combining the practices with my own journeying has give me real clarity and connection to all aspects of the journey. I can trust in what I see, feel, experience and know that it is true + real.

I also take it forward into the healing I offer to others knowing that I'm authentically connected to source when I'm working with them + it has amplified and raised my abilities.

On a side note I'm starting to read peoples minds more, knowing what they're going to say like if I ask my husband a question about a number for example I'll know what that number is before he tells me- fun hey!

Endless thanks as always to you"


"Hi Jessica,

I just have the urge to tell you something. The two times i meditated last.. i felt a different feeling/experience than before ... both times (a bit into The meditation) I Get this bright light and felt like my body Was lifting of The bed both times my head and thoughts interrupted The magic but I wanted it to last i think i touched something i can't explain"

"Hi Jessica,

I just wanted to share how grateful I am. The last few weeks it felt like I was facing and working through old trauma and fear. I'm still processing and struggling to find the words to describe these journeys. Magical and profound is good place to start :) I feel such a big release and foundation of trust within- and so much excitement for what's to come.

Journeying and these practices continue to blow my mind. It's what I look forward to most each day. Thank you for the work that you do, for your guidance, for providing a safe space... I can't wait for our next session."

"My God the upleveling that's happening is insane..can you speak to that? Thanks"

"Please don't forget to get me on the books, Jess!! I'm so excited to learn and get better at journeying. I've seen so much results from the journey you did for me. My relationship with my family has never been better and I'm generally so much happier and more content. I'm no longer struggling in daily life-but thriving again."

"Dear Jessica. Just taking in the deepest feeling of gratefulness, feeling humbled, recognizing, smiling from cheek to cheek,and in awe of you and your heart/source connection. Everything really comes together for me, its like im finally connection the dots."


"Jess just wanted to thank you again for the journey yesterday, I awoke full of gratitude and felt my chest a lot less tight. Feeling direction and clarity for the first time in many many months. You said in my journey around a year ago that it would take a year or two for me to realise what I have with my husband and that I will make heaven on earth with him in our sacred family unit and I feel like I can see it more clearly after last night. Your foresight was on point. Thanks again and so grateful to have these experiences all guided by your knowledge and wisdom. Things are coming around full circle after a crazy trip of a year

Also- I forgot to tell you that with your instructions was the first time I have truly felt I was in my own energy field- it was such powerful and direct imagery that allowed me to access that space and I stepped in so easily and felt fully there-so magical and I will continue to use this method to get there xxx"


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the journey the other day with. With no surprise, that was divinely timed and magical. I feel equipped to connect with my higher self and receive instructions. The energy in that journey was so powerful and I've been feeling it since. It feels like being on the verge of breakthrough, of purpose and a whole new level of service. Thank you for your guidance. I am so grateful for you

With love,"

"I feel so at ease. A sense that something has been lifted. For a long time I had an underlying sense of despair, sorrow or fear. And right now I feel light. Really grounded in my body. My mom and dad noticed it and my friends noticed it. And I notice my stomach is shrinking!"


"I have been on this journey for years before being an apprentice with Jessica. I can attest that this work heals at th root of all issues. I healed bipolar disease, alcoholism, over eating, and spinal/knee issues, I also had Gillian Barre after the first vaccine, and I used my unwavering faith in this process and It healed after 4 months."

"Jessica, literally so much money is coming to me FROM THE SHAMANIC JOURNEY WORK and my website is up too!"

"Wow, i am truly a different person today, my craving for cigarettes and other addictions are gone from the inside."

"Hi Jessica,

I've been wonderful!! I feel like so many creative blocks within me have been removed, it's wild. I felt like I had no motivation to work on creative projects over the last 3 weeks, but over the last few days since our session l've gotten SO much done that will definitely move my business forward."

"good day to you! wow what a session yesterday, I'm feeling bliss beyond explanation and riding a beautiful wave of a natural high, l'm vibrating at a fantastic level :) ! thanks again"

"I like learning. But i love learnina how to be the truest version of me. I ve been on this trail for twenty years now and slowly put the peices together. Had help from loved ones along the way. But now its just me and i believe it be devinely guided this way. I believe i can do it myself. But i also believe i know when i need help. Reaching out to you over the past couple months lets say has been very enlightening for me. I love who i am as a Native American. But more so as Anishinaabe. There's lots to share. One step at a time. I Love You."


"Yay thank you!! And I've been feeling great!!! Omg what a difference since before I met with you. Opportunities have literally been falling from the sky it's been really awesome!"

"I've had the craziest physicla and no physical things happening to me since our first journey. awesome dreams of healing and solving things in my sleep, major ear and jaw pain dissipating, feeling literally so much when something isn't right for me and getting the exact right cues to change it for the better. I Can feel when I'm in alignment now. I can literally feel energy around me and how it effects my physical body like 5X more. so much more grounded. Even when I take naps during the day it's like I'm journeying. 'm becoming so much more aware I can even feel what my body will feel before I do something and then decide if it makes sense. I can't wait for more journeys, learning, healing, alignment!"

"I'm doing great at the moment so much healing and I feel a deep sense of safety and support from the universe that I have never felt in my heart before I feel held in all my rawness and vulnerability and so coming into my self expression in my sexuality and in my life wow wow wow. Today I have tears of joy. I just felt such deep gratitude for you and the door you opened for me :)"

"I am blown away. I think God, working through you, just healed at least 2 generations of trauma beyond me. Probably more. I'm just blown away. I'm sure I'll continue to be blown away. I'm just in holy fucking awe. The Divine is mind blowing."

"Hi Jessica!! I'm currently outside just soaking up the life around me and I've been so emotional. I feel like l'm overcome with gratitude - for this opportunity on Earth, for this journey that I'm on, and for YOU! Thank you so much for everything. You're a blessing to us all and I can't thank you enough."


"Yay thank you!! And I've been feeling great!!! Omg what a difference since before I met with you. Opportunities have literally been falling from the sky it's been really awesome!"

"I've had the craziest physicla and no physical things happening to me since our first journey. awesome dreams of healing and solving things in my sleep, major ear and jaw pain dissipating, feeling literally so much when something isn't right for me and getting the exact right cues to change it for the better. I Can feel when I'm in alignment now. I can literally feel energy around me and how it effects my physical body like 5X more. so much more grounded. Even when I take naps during the day it's like I'm journeying. 'm becoming so much more aware I can even feel what my body will feel before I do something and then decide if it makes sense. I can't wait for more journeys, learning, healing, alignment!"

"I'm doing great at the moment so much healing and I feel a deep sense of safety and support from the universe that I have never felt in my heart before I feel held in all my rawness and vulnerability and so coming into my self expression in my sexuality and in my life wow wow wow. Today I have tears of joy. I just felt such deep gratitude for you and the door you opened for me :)"

"I am blown away. I think God, working through you, just healed at least 2 generations of trauma beyond me. Probably more. I'm just blown away. I'm sure I'll continue to be blown away. I'm just in holy fucking awe. The Divine is mind blowing."

"Hi Jessica!! I'm currently outside just soaking up the life around me and I've been so emotional. I feel like l'm overcome with gratitude - for this opportunity on Earth, for this journey that I'm on, and for YOU! Thank you so much for everything. You're a blessing to us all and I can't thank you enough."


"Thank you so much for your assistance. My child self thanks you. My heart thanks you. My stomach thanks you. My body thanks you. I feel as though I'm embarking on a new chapter. Looking back with clarity and compassion. No longer enslaved by these illusory fears replaying my trauma over and over again"

"I'm just blown away. Need to send you another cyber hug. I can't name what I'm feeling but so grateful things are just moving. Thank you."

"I felt unbelievably alive, aligned and could feel my power surging through my being."

"I just want to say thank you so much for the journey again. It hasn't even been two months and l've lost so many inches off of my stomach and I think it partly has to do with getting rid of that entity. I know your weight should have nothing to do with your self-worth but l've been trying to lose the extra pounds for years and it's finally coming off"

"Since I've booked the journey so much in my life has changed. It feels like this tornado like energy came in and shook up everything that wasn't aligned. I've never in my life felt so connected to myself, to others, to God. All of this time I've been searching for a connection outside of myself to feel up the hole of loneliness, disconnection I felt.

After I booked my session I came in touch with source again, I found my home again. I didn't know it was a connection to myself, to nature, to others, to GOD, was the thing I craved so deeply. Experiencing that continuous (for a couple weeks) state of oneness was lifechanging. This source connection felt like my crown is receiving a waterfall of wisdom and a fire was burning inside me again."

"Noticing so many positive shifts in my mental state and outlook on things. I feel so empowered and happy since journeying with you! "


"Thanks again for journeying for me on Wednesday. Thought you'd like to hear that I'm already noticing a lightness to me and subtle shifts in how I feel and my behavior- as small as how I approach what I eat, to as big as how I respond to family without any pangs of guilt afterwards for simply being myself. Next up is getting into my creative space this weekend :)

Also notable is that my dreams have kicked up in vividness and knowing. Last night I had this sense that I was being "upgraded" (is this common?) I can also remember the most random details in my dreams recently. So cool!

Can't wait to see what else unfolds. Many thanks and much love, Jessica"

"So many shifts since our journey the biggest shift is the depth and sharpness of my intuition!!! IT'S ALMOST SCARY HOW MUCH I KNOW before it happens?!?! I also noticed I Astral travel to soul parts way way more to people, that I know or don't know that well. It's like this deep deep well of knowing has been opened When I ask them if that what I saw is true they also say that they actually have been going through that thing I saw/felt. And the most beautiful of all is that I travel to the tree of life way more at night! I could feel my heart merging with that of the cosmos it was so beautiful, loving. I was in love with love, I was one. Source is beautiful, she showed me what I, my soul needed the most to see. I'm in love again."

"Hey lovely!! I wanted to thank you so much again for journeying for me. I was honesty a bit scared of what might come up considering all of my trauma, but I felt so safe and loved during & after the journey. You are so warm, beautiful and so powerful! I'm eternally grateful to you.

Just a little update, l've been feeling so energized and aware of my body's needs which is so amazing because I felt so disconnected from my body for sooo long. The choices I've been making are much more aligned than ever before. Thank you 100000%! Seriously can't wait for my next journey with you"


"So weirdest thing! Ever since my journey with you, I keep finding myself realizing that my lower back pain isn't hurting. It's hurt from varying degrees for over 15 years! Suddenly it's fine. Even when I've been busy working and on my feet all day, my whole body will hurt but not that spot. I swear you guys did something to it."

"It makes me so emotional to say this, but I didn't think this was attainable for someone like me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! That makes me feel so much relief!!"

"I feel so many shifts in different areas of my life already! I feel so aligned. I feel a direct effortless flow of energy whenever I sing now and I no longer doubt myself. It feels incredible to feel so connected within when I sing

I also have this continuous inner joy and peace within, my heart feel full and ready I share this incredible energy with others to brighten their days! I'm also not as reactive/ defensive with my family and at work.
Those are just a few things I've noticed and it's not even been a week!

I still haven't even wanted or felt drawn to having an alcoholic drink which is crazy to me! I just wanted to share and thank the source, apprentice and your guides and for having me! Such an incredible experience and will let you know if I notice anything else or have any questions.

Have a lovely weekend!!"

"I wanted to update you on how I've been doing. I've lost about 7.25kg since our session, am now in a committed relationship, and been getting more and more happy. I still am learning things about myself and my mental health, but I wanted to thank you for helping me get to where I am:)"


"I booked my journey with you, my life changed in profound ways and has already had such an impact on my life & health already."

"Hello! Hope all is well just wanted to say I'm feeling really joyful after the journey... in fact even got a comment from a friend that I look like I'm glowing!"

"Overall I am feeling great- I feel whole. That I have finally stepped in my power and truly aligned. Sometimes small voices kinda trying to grab my attention and lure me back to the old habits and ways of being but it doesn't work anymore. Which makes me so happy."

"Hi Jessica,

Thank you so much for journeying for me this week. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to process everything but I'm feeling good and WHOLE. That was the feeling I left the journey with, feeling whole and complete. It's beautiful to feel this way, thank you."

"Thank you Jess! Been feeling called to change my wardrobe because I feel like a new person and have changed so much and have outgrown the old. Sounds like that's in line with this too. Thank you so much for sharing that insight"

"Hello lovey......just wanted to give you a small update.....l've started to loose weight (which is something I really was struggling with also I'm not eating chocolates and candy. I don't feel that overwhelming need to have them every day. I'm still monitoring the other aspects of my life and will let you know along the way what continues to change.
Sending you lots of love"


"I booked my journey with you, my life changed in profound ways and has already had such an impact on my life & health already."

"Hello! Hope all is well just wanted to say I'm feeling really joyful after the journey... in fact even got a comment from a friend that I look like I'm glowing!"

"Overall I am feeling great- I feel whole. That I have finally stepped in my power and truly aligned. Sometimes small voices kinda trying to grab my attention and lure me back to the old habits and ways of being but it doesn't work anymore. Which makes me so happy."

"Hi Jessica,

Thank you so much for journeying for me this week. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to process everything but I'm feeling good and WHOLE. That was the feeling I left the journey with, feeling whole and complete. It's beautiful to feel this way, thank you."

"Thank you Jess! Been feeling called to change my wardrobe because I feel like a new person and have changed so much and have outgrown the old. Sounds like that's in line with this too. Thank you so much for sharing that insight"

"Hello lovey......just wanted to give you a small update.....l've started to loose weight (which is something I really was struggling with also I'm not eating chocolates and candy. I don't feel that overwhelming need to have them every day. I'm still monitoring the other aspects of my life and will let you know along the way what continues to change.
Sending you lots of love"


"Now I feel I can set my plans and complete them and more energy and people say I'm just different these couple days. Hoping stays like this and grows with momentum"

"I just wanted to send you some love. So much changed after my journey with you and I'm so grateful I made that decision and for you offering such loving guidance! Thank you Jess! Love you! BIG HUG! This has been the most beautiful journey of my life."

" I felt everything click during your journey! It was blissful!

To - date, no desire for the drugs!!!! Wtf! Woohooo!!! You have a gift. Big hug my friend. I hope more addicts approach you for healing."

"Hey, I wanted to tell you about something that happened yesterday (Thursday) that had never happened to me before. I told you about being able to manipulate energy through my hands during our journey call. So yesterday I was stuck in traffic, at a stoplight near a hospital, and an ambulance was trying to get to the hospital but was stuck in traffic that was not moving. I said a little prayer and called on Source/God to bless the drivers for the work they do to help injured people, and a blessing on the poor individual stuck in the back of the ambulance in traffic. I tell you, no exaggeration, my hands TURNED ON and I felt a surge of energy flowing through them like I had never felt before. I couldn't even believe it was happening, but it felt like beaming energy directly from Source, through me, and into that ambulance. I say this because until you had journeyed for me, I had never experienced that before, but the work that you did for me during the journey was a reason this was happening. So, I was very excited about what I was able to offer those poor folks stuck in the traffic."

"After I journeyd with you.. all these things have happened in a really short time.

I feel upgraded. And like I'm vibrating on every level. Synchronicities everywhere in terms of the number combos. Holy macroni!"

Ellyse, Newcastle AUS

"Myself and my husband were fortunate enough to experience Journey's with Jessica's lovely apprentices and since feel the issues we journeyed on have very much been resolved and the soul fragments have integrated. Both of us can report that it's "as though it's just not an issue tying us down anymore". Since this session, I have also signed up to all 3 of Jessica's current programs. Upon learning about each program, my body moved me to a "hell yes!" decision to signup and so far, Jessica's work is changing my life in ways every day as I integrate the lessons into my life - just as I knew in my soul they would. Jess - I owe you So MUCH, and my journey is really just beginning. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


"Hi Jessica,

I just wanted to share how grateful I am. The last few weeks it felt like I was facing and working through old trauma and fear. I'm still processing and struggling to find the words to describe these journeys. Magical and profound is good place to start :) I feel such a big release and foundation of trust within- and so much excitement for what's to come.

Journeying and these practices continue to blow my mind. It's what I look forward to most each day. Thank you for the work that you do, for your guidance, for providing a safe space... I can't wait for our next session."


The journeying method practiced in The Way is dedicated to Yahweh and Yeshua, and does not rely on any psychedelics or plant substances. The purpose of journeywork is to help restore you to your natural state which is your birth right: sovereign, whole, and thriving.

⁣At the core of journeywork lies soul retrieval. Trauma can cause the soul to temporarily fragment. This is a gift that allows us to move on, after trauma which cannot be resolved by the individual in the moment. A soul part stays with the trauma, but your higher self will always want to restore its wholeness to move towards expansion. This is why we may be energetically drawn 'back' to the trauma, repeating harmful patterns - while subconsciously looking to integrate this lost soul part and be whole. Because we are led to the energetic root of the trauma to aid in integration, journeying has proven to be a most effective and safe form of healing.

Journeying aids in removing unaligned energies, entities or attachments which are often at the root of fatigue, addictions, blocks and more. Overall, journeys help us gain insights on an energetic level and allow us to explore previously hidden parts of ourselves, beyond trauma: our gifts, purpose and relationship with Yahweh. These insights are received through a symbolic, metaphorical language and somatic experience.

Because I work directly in your energy field to retrieve and integrate  fragmented soul parts, Journeying has proven to be a most effective and safe form of healing.


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To learn more about Journeying, follow the way shamanism on Instagram or the way Shamanism Podcast.