THE way Apprenticeship Program



bring your healing gifts to the world with ancient practices and scientifically validated methods of transformation


Ready to Apply for the way apprenticeship?

The Way Apprenticeship Program is a comprehensive 9-month training program under the mentorship of Jessica. During the Apprenticeship your unique abilities are activated and applied in client work. Facilitate healing of The Way, with integrity, safety and strong ethics.

The Way Apprenticeship includes:

A 9-month Shamanic training program under the mentorship of Jessica


  • Journeying practice with Jessica
  • Cultivating your unique gifts, abilities and relationship with source
  • Navigating the spirit realm
  • Safely removing blocks and unaligned energy with ease
  • Soul retrieval and integration
  • Physical and emotional remote healing
  • Ancestral healing, past life and energy field journeywork
  • Guide and animal communication and discernment training
  • Deep personal transformation and initiation
  • Becoming a powerful facilitator of healing for yourself and others
  • Strengthening your personal sovereignty, power and self love
  • Safely, ethically and effectively journey for others
  • Support as you create your own aligned practice and release blocks in worthiness, expression and receiving

I’m here to show you how to activate your gifts & fully thrive, by healing your trauma & integrating your soul to wholeness

I’m here to show you how to activate your gifts & fully thrive, by healing your trauma & integrating your soul to wholeness

I’VE helpED thousands of people heal from their disease, trauma, addictions, find their purpose, love and so much more    /    I’VE helpED thousands of people heal from their disease, trauma, addictions, find their purpose, love and so much more    /    I’VE helpED thousands of people heal from their disease, trauma, addictions, find their purpose, love and so much more

I’VE helpED thousands of people heal from their disease, trauma, addictions, find their purpose, love and so much more    /    I’VE helpED thousands of people heal from their disease, trauma, addictions, find their purpose, love and so much more    /    I’VE helpED thousands of people heal from their disease, trauma, addictions, find their purpose, love and so much more

Online sessions allow you to take part in the Apprenticeship wherever you are based in the world.

The Apprenticeship consists of:

  • 11 sessions transmitting a blueprint of healing work
  • 2 x 1:1 sessions focusing on client work
  • Over 120 recorded teachings and practices
  • Weekly homework practices to build momentum with feedback from Jessica
  • Telegram support Monday - Friday
  • Q&A and live coaching sessions
  • Coaching in client work with ethics, safety and integrity
  • Practices to support you in creating an aligned practice of your dreams

The Way Apprenticeship permits a limited number of applicants at a time.

Starting: February 2025

So how does the program work?

sophia, us

"I’ve often found myself at a loss for words when I try to describe the experiences I’ve had working with Jessica.

Jessica’s teachings as well as her authenticity, compassion, and dedication to the highest truth have been a guiding light in my life over the past few years.

From the first journey to the apprenticeship, Jessica has lovingly illuminated a path back home to myself. As someone who has lived most of their life in the grips of depression, anxiety, and disconnection, I never thought my life could be filled with the joy, miracles, and sense of connection I feel now. Not to mention all of the beautiful and life-changing multi-dimensional experiences that have come from stepping into this work.

The safe and non-judgmental space she has provided as I’ve worked through some of my deepest wounds has been transformational. I couldn’t thank her enough and I certainly couldn’t recommend her enough… There is hope and a path to true healing. Thank you for showing me the way.

Jess, thank you for meeting me where I was at and for being such a loving and powerful force of healing in my life and in the life of others. I have a hard time with trust and feeling safe in the presence of others and you have been nothing but a safe, loving, non-judgmental, and patient presence.

I am forever grateful and I want you to know how much this has meant to me. Words can’t do it justice!

Thank you ♥️


nicole, us

"Jessica - I still don't have adequate words for our beautiful (and literally life altering!) journey last night or in the past several months working with you in the apprenticeship.

Today my heart is so incredibly full, my body is so confident and relaxed, and I am also so emotional - but in the best way.

Emotional with the overwhelming gratitude I have within myself for being given this gift. I am so lucky to be able to get to do this!

I can't wait to see where this leads.
Jessica, words just couldn't express the level of my gratitude to you, my mentor and teacher.

But for now, thank you a million times."

Sauvage, 31, Melbourne

"Working with Jessica was like nothing I’ve experienced before and to say the Divine works through her is an understatement. The apprenticeship is a true testament of working in the divine feminine way and it gently forces you to let go of structure and surrender to becoming a vessel for Source’s work. It’s permanently changed the way I see the world and what’s possible. For those months, my life worked in two week blocks with each fortnight unveiling something new to help me rise up into this more wholesome way of being in the world.  In my life, everything changed and moved - my job, my friendships, my partnership, my truths about everything, my relationship with family, and more. Before working with Jess, I was struggling to figure out how I wanted to show up in the world, how I could serve people, I had severe shame around sexuality and a lot of repressed memories and unprocessed grief & anger. I felt emotionally “stuck” with so much tension in my body that I just couldn’t shake. I chose to do the apprenticeship because I felt called to it. Jess’ energy, authenticity and multiple synchronicities confirmed that she is the teacher I needed to learn from. She also provided a beautiful foundation as I deeply resonated with their teachings around sovereignty, their understanding of Source connection, working closely with my Guides and being able to serve other people in a wholesome way. My favourite parts of the process were the magic and synchronicities that just unfolded everyday while journeying, with the weather, dreams, my life and out in nature. Jess’ pure presence creates such a comforting environment while keeping things light, fun and enjoyable even when things are a little challenging. 

If you’re considering undertaking the apprenticeship, I’d say commit to it with your whole heart. It’s a steep climb to reach the summit but even though it can be tough, you get to meet your edge, experience the world in a whole new way and the view from the top and self awareness you gain makes it totally worth it!" 

linn, norway

"I'm over the rainbow happy and grateful after our first call, this is one of the best things that has happened to me in life.
For two days I have started my day with a journey, and its so so beautiful the way my day feels after. It feels like I instantly bring light in, and it doesn't leave me - so much joy!
I feel like I bring the essence of myself into my body; the joyful, trusting, playful
so grateful. And now I can do this everyday. This is such a blessing!
I have had some life changing experiences trough my journeys, and it feels like my life is new.

I healed my heavy karma (anger/ frustration). And I feel so grateful that I was able to do it myself through journeying, because that gave me the confidence that I will be able to help others if I keep practicing every day. Since I was able to heal my karma that almost made me think I needed to end my life to stop hurting so badly, I know that what I'm doing is important to share when the time is right. I feel so grateful for you also, because you encouraged me to keep journeying instead of giving me the answers. And that led me to the most beautiful experience of my life. My partner is so amazed by this shift! Lol. He doesn't understand how it happened , since I've had this issues through our whole relationship. But I see how he shines with love, and he feels so lifted and pure with the shift of energy that is between us.

Everything comes together so beautifully. And now I really understand what lead me here. The work you do is so important.

apprentice, usa

"At around 2:00 AM, I started coughing again and left my bed to lie on a couch to avoid waking {wife}. I started praying again and wondered if I could start a journey to help alleviate any symptoms. I heard a voice come through my thoughts that said, "You are God's child." I felt a sense of peace immediately and then visually saw who I recognized as Yeshua. He appeared at a distance in my mind's eye. He wasn't surrounded by gold light, though; many colors surrounded him. He told me to take something from his hand and rub it on my chest. I did, and immediately, my cough went away, and it was almost like I didn't have any fluid in my lungs that needed to be expelled anymore.

I've been crying a lot, trying to take it all in.
Also, after going to Catholic school for all those years...and with less than 20 days of this practice, I got to experience him in a way I never thought possible. It's almost unbelievable."

louise, sydney

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the journey. With no surprise, that was divinely timed and magical. There's still more for me to learn, but now I feel equipped to connect with my higher self and receive instructions.

I've cleared more attachments I had built up - one for my need to struggle to achieve a result/one for fear around lack. I have also been connecting to my inner child around fear of being seen or heard. I'm feeling really REALLY supported in this like I'm already whole and I'm just seeing to these cracks.

I'm also able to connect to what I wish anywhere/anytime- waiting in traffic/mid conversation/in spaces that don't hold the ideal frequency. I've found harmony between what comes up in the 3D and my ability to work with it instantly to see to my needs rather than put it on the back burner. This physical/spiritual relationship is elite!

The best part is I'm noticing what comes up immediately and addressing it without the overhang few days out of alignment gives me. It's laser like awareness then I use beautiful clean up process.

I an feel the strong energy of it as I do clearing with the guides. I'm loving the continued exploration and all it keeps providing. The blind journeys are awesome too, like a lucky dip of Chinese fortune cookies- exactly what I need on each day I do one.

The energy in this journey was so powerful and I've been feeling it since. It feels like being on the verge of breakthrough, of purpose and a whole new level of service. Thank you for your guidance. I am so grateful for you.

With love

amanda, atlanta

“After my self-discovery of shamanic Journeying, I knew I needed a guru.

Jessica served as that and so much more. Every step of the Apprenticeship was designed to assist me in my ascension so that I may help others.

After completing the Apprenticeship, not only am I able to Journey for others, but I am now actively engaged in the mission of bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.

The Apprenticeship was God’s gift to me and Jessica was the vehicle through which that gift came. Her grace, kindness, light, love, humor, patience and pureness cannot be contained. She is an amazing vessel of the divine working in the world.”

Nicole, USA

"I have been completely in awe of these extraordinary journeys we have been doing together. ✨

Addressing and healing the wounds of both of my ancestral lines is maybe one of the most extraordinary things we have done together!

I am so incredibly grateful for you and all you have shared with me through your courses, apprenticeships and now this work. ❤️ It just seems to get better and better the longer we work together! Each thing building on the next. I am so proud of myself and how I have discovered and let my authentic self and gifts emerge. 🦋

This ancestral work - the shifts, insights and clearing have been - dare I say… life changing. The soul retrieval during our last journey was massive!

It’s almost like I can’t think of any work that could be more important right now than ancestral healing. For myself and for others around the world. So much of who we are and what we believe about ourselves - even the hate for others that is passed down - is related to our ancestral lines. Just so powerful 💥

I am deeply grateful for you" ❤️

Kubra, 25, Amsterdam

"I came across Jessica's Instagram page through a friend of a friend. She had booked a session with Jessica and shared her page. I resonated so much with Jessica' s energy. My whole life I had battled with a lot of traumas. I was so desperate because of all the pain and suffering. I just wanted something, someone to safe me, release me from my suffering. 

The moment I had booked the Journey something had shifted in my energy. I shed so much old, stagnant energy. I became more aware of my patterns. I started communicating my boundaries more clearly with people. I ended relationships that didn’t serve me anymore. I turned more inwards and more to God/Spirit.  
The month before my journey was sooo sooo life changing. My whole life I had been feeling lonely. Detached from everyone, anyone and mostly myself, my body and soul. But this month I felt so connected with everyone, everything and God. It felt like I was finally coming home again, coming home to earth, coming home to my body, coming home to the trees, the sun, the moon, It felt like my lifetime of loneliness melted away and I could breathe again. I could feel myself merge with the oneness of life. 
I can’t describe the feelings I had after Jessica Journeyed for me. It felt like my heart had burst open. My heart was so full with love. I felt safety in my core. I felt that I am who I am, I’m here and I matter. A couple days after the Journey there was still so much doubt, fear, feelings of low self-worth surfacing. There was so much that needed to be integrated after the Journey."  


"AMAZING session today. WOW!!! I am so grateful to be able to work with you again. What a fascinating lecture and I don’t even have words for that beautiful Journey. I can't even believe HOW MUCH I am learning. So fascinating. I love it so much and can't get enough. Somehow I just wanted to bask in all of it. Thanks and talk soon! And again, WOW!!!!"

"I can attest that this work heals at the root of all issues. I healed bipolar disease, alcoholism, overeating, and spinal/knee issues. I also had Gillian Barre after the first vaccine and it healed. Because of Jessica's guidance and journeys I feel happier, alive and more whole. I can be me. The miracles have grown in my life. The more you do this the faster you recover. The closer you get to God. It has been amazing. Thank you Jessica. "


"I'm very excited to share that my chest, abdomen and pelvis scans this week came out clear! This marks the second set of clean results since the radiation and surgery treatments. Even the doctor was excited about the report. See you soon!"


"There is miracle after miracle with journeying, it can be hard to keep up with sometimes. I think this week alone at least 5/6 miracles have occurred - subtle and significant. And this has been a "bad" week for me. WTF!? 
What a time to be alive! 

The best gift anyone can give themselves is to work with you as an apprentice. Run, don't walk!"



Thank you SO much for our session yesterday. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate both your ear and your guidance. Not only for yesterday but for the past 3 years we have been working together. 😊. I will definitely take your advice below.

Our journey together was so incredibly healing on multiple levels. Physically, during the journey I was feeling such actual physical shifts. I’ve felt those before in journeys but never like this. Whew that was powerful!

I was able to sit with that energy for about a half hour after we ended. It was like being in some kind of suspended almost dream like state. Not sleeping necessarily but also not awake. It was so cool!

Thank you again 🙏🏻