Our natural healing power
I believe there is always a karmic element to healing and getting sick. Symptoms aren’t just problems to suppress – they are signs your body is detoxing! Fever, sweating, vomiting, and even yawning are ways the body rids itself of toxins. Interestingly, these are the common reactions to removing entity attachments too. Supporting this natural process through detoxification and nourishing practices is key. But nothing beats prevention! And there are so many things we can do on a daily basis to support our health.
Here are some healing tips, or reminders, to start implementing today:
- Sunlight: Essential for immunity, spiritual alignment, and overall well-being. Aim for morning sun exposure. We’ve done so many Circle journeys with the angelic beings that govern the sun, and they are ready to support you with healing, upgrades and cleansing 🌞
- Water: Invest in a high-quality water filter to remove toxins like fluoride, atrazine and heavy metals. Add a pinch of Celtic sea salt for better hydration.
- Oils & Herbs: Oregano oil, tea tree, frankincense, and cayenne are powerful natural healers. Along with castor oil, ginger, onions and garlic, these are healing pantry staples of mine!
- Detox your home: Eliminate seed oils, plastics, synthetic fragrances, and chemical cleaning products. Opt for coconut oil, vinegar, salt and baking soda. These take care of about 95% of our cleaning needs. Plus they’re cheaper! And if you’re energy sensitive like me, turning off your router and devices when not using them is a non negotiable.
- Food as medicine: Organic whole foods, proper fats (butter, tallow, coconut oil), and avoiding processed sugars help the body thrive.
- Spiritual cleansing: Pray over your food, be mindful of energy exposure, and use protective tools like salt and essential oils.
Reclaiming our sovereignty
Your body is your best guide. By tuning in through journeying, meditation, and spiritual work, you can receive intuitive guidance on what your body truly needs. Healing isn’t just about physical health – it’s about emotional and energetic well-being, too.
Dr. Caroline Leaf’s research shows that forgiveness alone can activate glial cells in the brain, clearing trauma at a physiological level. Imagine the power of integrating deep healing practices into your daily life and how the benefits compound over time! A journeying practice allows us to go deep into our own energy body, process the root cause of illness and enjoy a thriving body and life. I hope you start implementing these tips!