Welcome back to another deep dive! Today, we’re exploring ancestral healing. We are energetically connected to our ancestors in ways we may not always realize. Whether we know much about our family history or not, our ancestors play a significant role in our spiritual and physical lives. This connection transcends time and space, offering us […]

Shamanic Journeying

September 23, 2024

Ancestral healing

Today, we’re diving into past lives: an exciting and powerful area of spiritual exploration. Not only do they provide insight into our spirit’s journey, but they also offer a profound opportunity for healing. Whether you’re just starting to explore or have already dabbled in past life work, journeying can be a transformative way to connect […]

Past lives

Shamanic Journeying

September 23, 2024

Welcome to Part 2 of our series on weight, healing, and eating disorders. In this post, we’rediving deep into the heart of healthy eating, healing sugar addiction, nurturing your digestivesystem, and overcoming binge eating disorder. The journey to happiness and health is, at itscore, an inside job. It’s about knowing yourself deeply and taking full […]

The Way

September 9, 2024

Trauma, body image and weight 2: healing binge eating

Breaking free from the cycle: healing through understanding and self-love Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s deeply personal and often misunderstood: eatingdisorders, body image, weight loss, and the healing process. If this is a sensitive area for you,please approach this discussion with compassion for yourself. Remember, any triggers youfeel are signposts pointing toward unhealed […]

Trauma, body image and weight

Shamanic Journeying, Spiritual Warfare, The Way, Uncategorized

August 30, 2024

Today, we’re diving into the profound world ofspiritual activation. It’s a term that’s become a bit of a buzzword in spiritualcircles, often used alongside “alignment.” But what do these concepts trulymean, and how can they empower us on our spiritual journeys? The essence of activation Let’s start by addressing a common issue: the overuse and […]

Shamanic Journeying, The Way

August 23, 2024

Keys to spiritual activation

In my shamanic journeys, I’ve seen firsthand how this trauma can manifest and how healing itcan transform lives. The shamanic realm, where I do much of my work, transcends time andspace. It’s a 3D realm where the past, present, and future merge, allowing us to address deep-rooted issues that have been carried through generations. These […]

The power of ancestral healing

Shamanic Journeying

August 21, 2024

In this blog, I’ll cover some frequently asked questions about the process, including what can happen in a journey, integration, healing, and more. In a journey session, I journey for you. First, if you’re interested in learning how to journey for yourself, check out my Way Circle and apprenticeship programs on my website, where you […]

Shamanic Journeying

August 16, 2024

What to expect in a one-on-one shamanic journey session

We’re diving into the fascinating world of shamanic journeying – what it feels like, what it can do for us, and the deeper purpose behind it – just keep in mind, this journey is unique to each person. The best way to get a feel for what journeying of The Way can do for you, […]

The transformative power of shamanic journeying

Shamanic Journeying

August 16, 2024

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to journey anywhere, at any time? If you could tap into that ability, how would you use it? Take a moment to consider the possibilities. Understanding journeying Journeying is the practice of traveling in the spirit realm – a dimension that exists alongside our physical reality. […]

Shamanic Journeying

August 16, 2024

Journeying of The Way

Atonement is a spiritual practice that plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between our inner and outer worlds. It’s not just about making amends; it’s about healing, reclaiming lost energy, and restoring a sense of wholeness in our lives. The connection between spirit and body Our spiritual journey and physical life are deeply […]

The power of atonement: a journey to wholeness

The Way

August 16, 2024