In my shamanic journeys, I’ve seen firsthand how this trauma can manifest and how healing it
can transform lives. The shamanic realm, where I do much of my work, transcends time and
space. It’s a 3D realm where the past, present, and future merge, allowing us to address deep-
rooted issues that have been carried through generations. These are often expressed in family patterns of trauma and through what we call ‘genetics’.
The beauty of ancestral healing is that it doesn’t just heal you—it heals your entire lineage.
By addressing and healing your own trauma, you’re also healing the trauma of those who
came before you. This is where the practice of soul retrieval comes into play.
Trauma can cause fragments of your soul to splinter off, leaving you feeling incomplete. This
is a survival mechanism, a way for your soul to protect itself so you can continue living. However, these lost soul parts need to be retrieved and reintegrated for you to feel whole
again (refer to the blog on soul retrieval for more details). In my journeys, I guide clients through this process, often starting with their ancestry. In the process, we may also remove ancestral attachments that attached to the family line in previous generations.
Our ancestry often reveals the most significant events of soul fragmentation, and it’s here where
the deepest healing can occur. After a journey, many of my clients report feeling more complete than ever before. Memories and emotions that were previously suppressed resurface, allowing for deep healing. This process restores the connection to your soul, lifting you to a new level of consciousness and
well-being. This feeling often extends to family members who are affected by the healing in their own way, helping to restore family relationships.
What’s fascinating is that the soul parts we retrieve often come from those who
unintentionally took them—our ancestors. They passed down their own fragmentation, not out
bad intent, but because they hadn’t healed themselves. This is why ancestral healing is so
crucial. It breaks the cycle of trauma, ensuring you don’t pass it on to your children.
Ancestral healing also ties into the concept of getting off the wheel of karma. You come into
this life with a mission, a soul contract that guides your journey. When you choose to heal
your trauma, you’re not only changing your karma but also contributing to your soul’s growth
and ascension. Every time you act from an unhealed place, you spin the wheel of karma further. But when
you heal, you stop that cycle. You can then live a life free from the burdens of the past,
allowing your soul to evolve and flourish.
Ancestral healing is not just a spiritual practice; it’s deeply woven into our daily lives. It’s
about taking responsibility for your healing, not just for yourself, but for your children and
future generations. Whether you call it generational trauma or ancestral healing, the message
is the same: healing is essential for living a full and complete life and we are deeply connected to our ancestors.
In conclusion, ancestral healing is a transformative journey that empowers you to break free
from the cycles of trauma and karma. It’s a journey of reclaiming lost parts of yourself,
healing your lineage, and living a life of wholeness and purpose. As you embark on this path,
know that you’re not just healing yourself—you’re healing generations past and future.