Today, we’re diving into the profound world ofspiritual activation. It’s a term that’s become a bit of a buzzword in spiritualcircles, often used alongside “alignment.” But what do these concepts trulymean, and how can they empower us on our spiritual journeys? The essence of activation Let’s start by addressing a common issue: the overuse and […]
In my shamanic journeys, I’ve seen firsthand how this trauma can manifest and how healing itcan transform lives. The shamanic realm, where I do much of my work, transcends time andspace. It’s a 3D realm where the past, present, and future merge, allowing us to address deep-rooted issues that have been carried through generations. These […]
In this blog, I’ll cover some frequently asked questions about the process, including what can happen in a journey, integration, healing, and more. In a journey session, I journey for you. First, if you’re interested in learning how to journey for yourself, check out my Way Circle and apprenticeship programs on my website, where you […]
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to journey anywhere, at any time? If you could tap into that ability, how would you use it? Take a moment to consider the possibilities. Understanding journeying Journeying is the practice of traveling in the spirit realm – a dimension that exists alongside our physical reality. […]
Atonement is a spiritual practice that plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between our inner and outer worlds. It’s not just about making amends; it’s about healing, reclaiming lost energy, and restoring a sense of wholeness in our lives. The connection between spirit and body Our spiritual journey and physical life are deeply […]
Water has always been a symbol of transformation, renewal, and the very essence of lifeitself. In many spiritual traditions, it is revered as a conduit for divine energy, a powerfulforce that connects the physical with the spiritual. One profound practice that harnessesthis sacred power is the mikvah—a ritual that invites rebirth, purification, and a deeperconnection […]
In our journey toward spiritual growth and purification, ancient practices offer profoundwisdom. The word Nazirite stems from the Hebrew nazir,meaning consecrated or separated. This concept of setting apart for the divine is seen invarious spiritual practices, including anointing. However, this method takes this ideafurther, intertwining it with a deep connection to our nervous system through […]
Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s sparked much curiosity and debate: yoga and reiki. These practices have become mainstream, but with their rise in popularity comes a mix of benefits, risks, and misconceptions. Let’s unpack what you need to know. Yoga and reiki are powerful modalities for healing. Ultimately, they tap into our natural […]
The Power of Anointing: A Sacred Spiritual Practice Anointing is one of my favorite spiritual practices, and it’s something I find incrediblypowerful. But why is anointing so potent, and what does it really mean? Let me take you on ajourney to explore this ancient and sacred tradition, and how it can transform your spirituallife. What […]