source alchemy

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sacred sexuality, third eye activation & manifestation.

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6 Week tantric shamanism program for divine feminine sacred sexuality, to reclaim divinity and embody source energy

In Source Alchemy you will:

Expand your energetic field through sacred sexuality 
Practice third eye activation
Become a manifestation portal
Attune to a higher frequencies 
Expand your capacity for pleasure and magnetism
Balance your hormones and heal period pains
Deepen embodiment, self love and receivership
Heal sexual trauma
Release sexual attachments
Unleash your expression and creativity
Experience different orgasmic states
Increase magnetism and align with your (future) partner at the highest frequency

Start your journey of tantric shamanism

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join source alchemy

Live group calls
Over 50 modules across ten chapters of transformational teachings, practices and resources
Private Telegram group with support from Jessica
Unlimited access to recordings, resources and TG group
The practices will take about 1,5 hours a week
Option to go at a pace that feels authentic to you
For women only

become initiated into the divine feminine

Live calls 2024 (recorded)

4:00 PM EST

9 July
23 July

Pay in full $1111
Payment plan $1222

Amanda Musterman, 39, Atlanta

“After my discovery of shamanic Journeying, I knew I needed a mentor.
Jessica served as that and so much more. Every step of the Apprenticeship
was designed to assist me in my ascension so that I may help others. After completing the Apprenticeship, not only am I able to Journey for others, but I am now actively engaged in the Essene mission of bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. The Apprenticeship was God’s gift to me and Jessica was the vehicle through which that gift came. Her grace, kindness, light, love, humor, patience and pureness cannot be contained. She is an amazing vessel of the divine working in the world.”

Amanda Musterman, 39, Atlanta

“After my self-discovery of shamanic Journeying, I knew I needed a guru.
Jessica served as that and so much more. Every step of the Apprenticeship
was designed to assist me in my ascension so that I may help others. After completing the Apprenticeship, not only am I able to Journey for others, but I am now actively engaged in the Essene mission of bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. The Apprenticeship was God’s gift to me and Jessica was the vehicle through which that gift came. Her grace, kindness, light, love, humor, patience and pureness cannot be contained. She is an amazing vessel of the divine working in the world.”

Amanda Musterman, 39, Atlanta

“After my self-discovery of shamanic Journeying, I knew I needed a guru.
Jessica served as that and so much more. Every step of the Apprenticeship
was designed to assist me in my ascension so that I may help others. After completing the Apprenticeship, not only am I able to Journey for others, but I am now actively engaged in the Essene mission of bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. The Apprenticeship was God’s gift to me and Jessica was the vehicle through which that gift came. Her grace, kindness, light, love, humor, patience and pureness cannot be contained. She is an amazing vessel of the divine working in the world.”

Amanda Musterman, 39, Atlanta

“After my self-discovery of shamanic Journeying, I knew I needed a guru.
Jessica served as that and so much more. Every step of the Apprenticeship
was designed to assist me in my ascension so that I may help others. After completing the Apprenticeship, not only am I able to Journey for others, but I am now actively engaged in the Essene mission of bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. The Apprenticeship was God’s gift to me and Jessica was the vehicle through which that gift came. Her grace, kindness, light, love, humor, patience and pureness cannot be contained. She is an amazing vessel of the divine working in the world.”



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To learn more about Shamanic Journeying, follow the way shamanism on Instagram or the way Shamanism Podcast.