the way circle

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begin your journey 


Includes full The Way Circle access, plus additional:

  • 2 Journeys from Jessica
  • 2 x 1:1 Tandem journeys with Jessica
  • 12 weeks 1:1 Mentoring with Jessica as she supports you in moving towards your highest potential and purpose
  • No application required

Available starting dates:

March 2025

The Way Circle is my high level training for seekers who are ready to dive deep, activate their gifts and live a life of miracles.

  • Over 111 teachings and practices
  • Live bi-weekly group calls (recorded)
  • Telegram group support and optional extra  homework
  • 8 months with option to continue
  • Anyone can join
  • Option to go at your own pace


- Activating your extrasensory perception
- Safety, ethics and discernment
- Extensive energy field clearing and activation
- Blind journeying and remote viewing
- Healing, karma releasing and soul retrieval
- Guide, angel and totem animal work
- Telepathy training and astral construct making
- Bi-weekly 2 hour sessions with Jessica
- Constant support in private Telegram group

2025 calls:

To be announced.

What does the way circle look like

enrol in mentorship

"Jess, I'm so honored and happy to be part of the Circle and Spiritual Battle!

I am realizing, I don't need anything else, no other groups or teachings because this is truly THE WAY!! Everything else is misleading. Everything you teach is eye opening and heart warming. To say I am finally connecting to self and to God is an understatement.

Everything you teach is so eye opening and life changing! I wish I found you years ago! In the past 4 years, I've spent over $25.000 on healings, therapy, trauma workshops, plant medicine... All I needed was you and your guidance."


"I know we’re near the end of the mentorship…I can’t thank you enough for these last few months and the way you have guided/supported me in your unique way.

SO MUCH has happened/changed/landed and integrated (with more to come I know) Everything you do is in such high integrity and service to others it shows that there are true angels on this earth. You are one of them Jess! My life has changed completely through working with you and it just continues season after season. I never expected so much in this mentorship - my family, my career, my marriage, my self worth, my confidence and most importantly my connection to source have all altered in ways I never imagined. A death + rebirth on a whole other scale. Thank you"

Louise, sydney

"I have been completely in awe of these extraordinary journeys we have been doing together. ✨

Addressing and healing the wounds of both of my ancestral lines is maybe one of the most extraordinary things we have done together!

I am so incredibly grateful for you and all you have shared with me through your courses, apprenticeships and now this work. ❤️ It just seems to get better and better the longer we work together! Each thing building on the next. I am so proud of myself and how I have discovered and let my authentic self and gifts emerge. 🦋

This ancestral work - the shifts, insights and clearing have been - dare I say… life changing. The soul retrieval during our last journey was massive!

It’s almost like I can’t think of any work that could be more important right now than ancestral healing. For myself and for others around the world. So much of who we are and what we believe about ourselves - even the hate for others that is passed down - is related to our ancestral lines. Just so powerful 💥

I am deeply grateful for you" ❤️

nicole, usa


"I’ve been suffering mentally, and physically for 50 years not knowing how to get to the root of my abandonment wounds from being adopted.

I’ve tried medication and many forms of therapy with no positive results. When I started Jessica‘s work, I felt again abandoned by my family but I learned that it was their fear, because I was changing in a way they didn’t understand, so I remained committed to what felt right in my heart.

It’s been two years since I started with Jessica and the other day my daughter, who has been very distant physically and emotionally from me, came into my home and gave me the biggest hug and was sobbing…She thanked me for all the emotional healing work that I’ve been doing.

 That was the greatest gift I could’ve received from her because she not only sees it, but feels it as well in every cell of her being."
Jessica‘s courses are powerful and profound…the greatest gift you can give yourself to claim your power back and the gift of physical and emotional freedom.

Thank you Jessica for turning your journey into wisdom and sharing the process with us."

“The value in the Initiation Circle is that it will change your life, to heal, to know how to live and to honor your own precious soul!”

“I'm over the rainbow happy and grateful after our first call, this is one of the best things that has happened to me in life”

“For two days I have started my day with a journey, and its so so beautiful the way my day feels after. It feels like I instantly bring light in, and it doesn't leave me - so much joy I feel like I bring the essence of myself into my body; the joyful, trusting, playful. so grateful And now I can do this everyday- such a blessing Everything comes together so beautifully, because I was feeling with a lot of resistance the last days. And i remember you said that before a breakthrough comes resistance. And now I really understand what i was going trough and it lead me here. The work you do is so important”

linn, norway

marianne, la


"I am deeply grateful for Jess and the profound wisdom she imparts. Words are not enough to capture the magnitude of change I've experienced; it's nothing short of life-altering.

Since embarking on this journey, I've witnessed a remarkable shift in my life. My marriage has blossomed, my connections with others have deepened, and I've gained a newfound clarity and discernment in my spiritual life and relationships. Most significantly, her work has guided me back to a heartfelt reconnection with our Creator. It's been a healing balm for my mind, spirit, and emotions, fostering an inner harmony that resonates through all aspects of my being.

As a result, I am fully transforming, a more devoted wife, a more nurturing mother, and a more intuitive healer to my clients. This work has reaffirmed that true healing begins from within, and for that, I am eternally thankful."

Jeannette, norway

The mentorship has been a life changing experience for me. An investment in myself that has already given me much more In return than I ever could imagine.
Jessica is genuine and wholehearted in this work. The one on one sessions with Jess were so powerful and I got the reassurance that I needed to feel safe and continue to develope my ‘lightskills’.
Tandem journeys were just magical… to see my own energy field together with Jessica amplified the experience and gave me trust that I have this gift as my own treasure of magic.

I have this magical weapon to solve things myself, and learned that this actually is my birthright. Now I also dive into my ***stuff with a form of curiosity instead of fear. I am eternally greatful for this experience.

With all my light, heart and soul, Thank you Jessica.

"Thank you Jessica, I can't express how grateful I am to have found you and said yes to this. The journeys are so wild and magical and life-giving! I don't have words yet to express it fully but know this is such an important part of my life now... It's hard to put into words the depth of working with you has had on my life...transcendent, miraculous, life-giving, life-affirming, life-changing, beautiful - don't seem enough! Thank you Thank you Thank you

Domonique, australia

"I was able to do a soul, retrieval journey and integrate that part of me... Jessica, I am humbled and brought to my knees for your teachings which has unlocked so many miraculous things in my life by showing me the way to have an intimate relationship with the creator, and to lift the veil so that my eyes can see the TRUTH

Also... Just did the grounding and gratitude meditation From the Way Circle. So incredibly beautiful"


“Jess, I’ve been meaning to message you for a few weeks about the new content on The Way. Wow!!! Blown away by the extensive descriptions, information and most of all the frequency of authenticity running through it all. I am revisiting the Journeys + recorded calls- always something new every time for further exploration and a deeper connection to Source and my own truth.

Really grateful to you for the effort and work you have put in to refining the whole process to educate others, it makes it so cohesive to continue being the student while also reclaiming sovereignty and own abilities. Excited to keep going back and discovering more and more of this beautiful path. Thank you for your continuous inspiring work." 

louise, sydney

And it just continues to DEEPEN. I seriously sit at least a few times a week and just have to have to let it sink in how much impact this has all had on my life and what I do now. I feel like I would be lost on a spiritual ocean without a life boat if I hadn't connected with you and your work. But this is my life now and I wouldn't be where I am without your guidance. Thank you endlessly!

Domonique, australia

I was able to do a soul, retrieval journey and integrate that part of me... Jessica, I am humbled and brought to my knees for your teachings which has unlocked so many miraculous things in my life by showing me the way to have an intimate relationship with the creator, and to lift the veil so that my eyes can see the TRUTH

Also... Just did the grounding and gratitude meditation From the Way Circle. So incredibly beautiful"

danielle, sydney

“Hi Jessica, I just have the urge to tell you something before I go into the next teaching...The two times I meditated last.. I felt a different feeling/experience than before ... both times (a bit into the meditation) | Get this bright light and felt like my body Was lifting of the bed- both times my head and thoughts interrupted The magic but I wanted it to last. I think I touched something I can't explain”

jeanette, norway

“Oh I so have missed this part of me. Talking to everything, the water, the rocks the trees. Anyway- it was such a strong moment I just had to share.. and I'm still in the high of it. I'm So grateful- for the challenge and way you've put in front of me, grateful that I've chosen to take it. And hopeful that it will lead to another level of wholeness”

hanna, sweden

"That journey was extraordinary and SO healing. Really super emotional for me too. It culminated with me in probably one of the highest frequencies I've experienced. WOW!!! Thank you so much Jess and everyone in the group for the most beautiful and perfect experience"

"Feeling like it's a portal to more magic than I could've imagined and there's no better feeling than that pure connection with Source. Just feeling grateful to be on this journey with you all and all the ways we're growing and expanding"

“My intuition is on level 1000000! sometimes it feels so scary because of how much i know. But slowly and surely getting used to this deeper knowing! I also feel like old energies/ emotions stored in my body are surfacing to be healed”


“What this initiation and what Jessica offers is truth and a deep, real connection to what is right. Thank you for sharing I'm feeling the real life benefits of working in my energy field and tuning in with the divine and my guides- my relationships with people are coming to light for their true meaning and also my purpose and mission is being highlighted so clearly. The growth I've felt (highs and lows) has been powerful“

“I'm in major transitioning. I'm connecting with source in my way and it's shifting me where I need to be shifted. As we speak I'm happy to say, I'm moving to my new place. Things are moving like a tsunami and I'm running into my future in break neck speed.”

“I also just want o say that this work is so amazing and that I am so incredibly grateful to incarnate with this new learned consciousness”

“I am journeying by my self now!! It feels like i have done it before.. In some of my deep meditations it is the same feeling of homecoming and old knowingness”


“I’m seeing through the veil of the everyday, the physical world. Which is magical on its own. feels good to steady into this journey of initiation now And my partner has said to me every day since the last journey, wow you seem so light and joyful and harmonic :) and I feel an energy shift within me very clearly”

“the physical sensations and the visuals were the Strongest I've ever experienced in a journey, the magic of having you as my teacher continues every day. I am so grateful for you and everything you bring”

“Jessica, the lid blew off last night after our class, so powerful & exciting to do this work, not to mention so self healing!!!”

“So fun and interesting. Everything you offer is changing my life for the better”


“Still pain free. Thank you God for blessing me with this miracle. Every time I stop and think about this Miracle it brings me to my knees in gratitude”

“This is unbelievable! The image that was drawn - I don't even know how to explain the connection!!! There is a long story behind that. One that is actually the reason I'm on this path now. My mind is blown!!!”

“The more you do this the faster you recover. The closer you get to God. It has been amazing Jessica”

“Thank you Jessica, I can't express how grateful I am to have found you and said yes to this. The journeys are so wild and magical and life-giving! I don't have words yet to express to friends/family fully (apart from my husband) but know this is such an important part of my life now...Thank you”


“Today was a highlight on the journey calendar. Feel so alive and fully of vitality with a lot of the pieces of my personal puzzle coming together today in so many ways. I'm high, blown away and so grateful for it all”

“I had to take breaks listening to the journey. Just taking in the deepest feeling of gratefulness, feeling humbled, recognizing, smiling from cheek to cheek, and in awe of you and your heart/source connection. Everything really comes together for me, its like I'm finally connection the dots”

“Jessica, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the journey the other day. With no surprise, that was divinely timed and magical. There's still more for me to learn in how to use them, but now I feel equipped to connect with my higher self and receive instructions. The energy in that journey was so powerful and I've been feeling it since. It feels like being on the verge of breakthrough, of purpose and a whole new level of service. Thank you for your guidance. I am so grateful for you. With love”


“My intuition is getting so much stronger and it's only been a few days”

“Hi Jessica! I'm finding that everyday something new is happening as if my gifts are activating and I'm in awe! Last night I had very vivid dreams at one point I woke up to get water and I had flashing images in front of me, can't remember what they were but I know they were not completely in a dream. I'm so in love with this circle! Thank you”

“A It's hard to put into words the depth of working with you has had on my life...transcendent, miraculous, life-giving, life-affirming, life-changing, beautiful - don't seem enough! Thank you So looking forward to more in 2024"

“I have gone through the other practices and WoW, its mind blowing and really interesting to see the results myself”


“I was able to do a soul, retrieval journey and integrate that part of me... Jessica, I am humbled and brought to my knees for your teachings which has unlocked so many miraculous things in my life by showing me the way to have an intimate relationship with the creator, and to lift the veil so that my eyes can see the TRUTH Also... Just did the grounding and gratitude meditation From the Way Circle. So incredibly beautiful”

“The shift in vibration for the healings I'm offering clients is delicious, wonderful. Makes my heart sing!”

“On another note, I can't even begin to tell you how much fun I'm having with the group calls! I look forward to every session. Thank you!”


“Through Jessica's teachings, I have been able to break through the unworthiness to develop a loving, growing, personal relationship with God Creator, Yahweh, Jesus, the Holy Spirit... I give myself grace, knowing that I don't know everything and that my journey is about the unique connection that I have to Source Energy”

“Thank you for the call today/yesterday. it was really amazing to get to do the journey and I felt the same. I was pulled in to a different kind of Journey than the tasking but it showed SO much to me, so clear and detailed about matters that have been orbiting me and evading me for months. I really felt it was the uplifting support of the group energy and as always your guidance Jess. What a powerful experience”

“Thank you so much for the beautiful journeys Jess. it was so profound to journey together & uplift the energy of the world on this wonderful day. It was so beautiful & healing for me”


"In deep gratitude and awe. That was so powerful and healing. Thank you Jess and everyone!”

“Amazing to hear so inspiring to know you've cleared and expanded. I feel the resonation in this. What this initiation and what Jessica offers is truth and a deep, real connection to what is right”

"As part of this initiation so many layers had to be stripped back and purified and wow it's confronting to see and move through those ego aspects we don't want to look at...but wow it's rewarding when it starts to move. Feeling like it's a portal to more magic than I could've imagined and there's no better feeling than that pure connection with Source. Just feeling grateful to be on this journey with you all and all the ways we're growing and expanding”

“I'm feeling the real life benefits of working in my energy field and tuning in with the divine and my guides- my relationships with people are coming to light for their true meaning and also my purpose and mission is being highlighted so clearly. The growth I've felt (highs and lows) has been powerful”


“The level of support I feel connected to spiritually is next level. What a gift and at the same time exactly what is meant to be. Thank you as always. The space you hold is so sacred and pure. Love all of the path that keeps unfolding”

“I have had some life changing experiences trough my journeys, and it feels like my life is new. I healed my heavy karma (anger/ frustration) And i feel so grateful that I was able to do it myself through journeying, because that gave me the confidence that I will be able to help others if I keep practicing every day. Since I was able to heal my karma that almost made me think I needed to end my life to stop hurting so badly, I know that what I'm doing is important to share when the time is right. I feel so grateful for you also, because you encouraged me to keep journeying instead of giving me the answers. And that led me to the most beautiful experience of my life. My partner is so amazed by this shift! Lol. He doesn't understand how it happened , since I've had this issues through our whole relationship. But I see how he shines with love, and he feels so lifted and pure with the shift of energy that is between us.”


“I've cleared some more attachments - one for my need to struggle to achieve a result/one for fear around lack. I have also been connecting to my inner child around fear of being seen or heard. I'm feeling really REALLY supported in this like I'm already whole and I'm just seeing to these cracks. I'm also able to connect to what I wish anywhere/anytime. I've found harmony between what comes up in the 3D and my ability to work with it instantly to see to my needs rather than put it on the back burner. This physical/spiritual relationship is elite! The best part is I'm noticing what comes up immediately and addressing it without the overhang few days out of alignment gives me. It's laser like awareness. I'm loving the continued exploration and all it keeps providing. The blind journeys are awesome too, like a lucky dip of Chinese fortune cookies- exactly what I need on each day I do one.

Thanks for all you do!”


“I just had a really profound and deeply healing journey today that wouldn't be possible without you and your work. I am just beginning to integrate this amazing experience, it was emotional and life changing. I feel that more will be ahead in a short space of time because I was able to work so clearly with the guides to complete this task. This is only because of all that you give and offer. I am infinitely thankful for coming across you and being led on this path. I've said it before but thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do, keep on rocking!!“

“I missed the live but I wanted to say that journeying has give me real clarity and connection to all aspects of the journey. I can trust in what I see, feel, experience and know that it is true + real. I also take it forward into the healing I offer to others knowing that I'm authentically connected to source when I'm working with them + it has amplified and raised my abilities. On a side note I'm starting to read peoples minds more, knowing what they're going to say like if I ask my husband a question about a number for example I'll know what that number is before he tells me- fun hey! Endless thanks as always to you.”


WHAT MY STUDENTS HAVE TO SAY about the way circle

Because I work directly in your energy field to retrieve and integrate these fragmented soul parts, Journeying has proven to be a most effective and safe form of healing.

Because I work directly in your energy field to retrieve and integrate these fragmented soul parts, Journeying has proven to be a most effective and safe form of healing.


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To learn more about Journeying, follow the way shamanism on Instagram or the way Shamanism Podcast.