When you start your path of shamanic journeying, your quality of life increases quickly. What used to be your best days now become your worst days. I’m not kidding! It makes it easy to forget that I didn’t use to be this person. Before shamanism, I used to lack any feeling of connection to myself […]
Going on a shamanic journey is a life-changing experience. We discover your energy field, retrieve lost soul parts through a soul retrieval process and remove blocks. We will connect to your higher self, restore your connection to the tree of life and bring healing where healing is required. You will explore how you can remove […]
The short answer is no. I’ve been asked about this countless times. I don’t endorse or use plant medicine in my shamanic practice. I do not use plant medicine in my work at all. I have never been interested in doing plant medicine and have never felt called to. As a shamanic practitioner, I choose […]